
Not Roadside Picnic?

This review makes it seem like the movie is just as unsatisfying as the books. Unfortunate; I had hopes that maybe it would fix the book and series problems.

You should write an article...

Given that Twilight’s first response in the movie was “ friends do not immediately acquiesce to what I want, therefore let’s steal their shit”, I fell like...maybe she isn’t qualified to be a teacher?

I don’t think you understand what my point was, and I’m curious what countries made decisions like this five years ago. Have an example?

This seems like a big deal. For an ally like the UK to thumb its nose at us like this is surprising and troubling.

“ If, for example, you see a person huddled on a bench in 10-degree weather, you could call the authorities so they could be taken to a hospital”

You are aware that “I disagree” is not actual grounds to just ignore a judge’s order, right?

But can you put Rx lenses in it? I’m guessing no, and I gotta say, not to stereotype or include myself *in* said stereotype, I feel like a lot of the early-adopters are the type who actually need glasses....

Stop beating dead franchiees.

If Moby will donate the millions it would take to do this right, fine. Otherwise, fuuuuuuuuck you.

I am not trying to accuse you of dishonesty, but that’s an unwarrantedly rosy view of PETA.

Okay, this has nothing to do with the post, except inasmuch as the fact that it uses the site’s capital “E” a lot.

2049 takes the nuanced approach of the original and throws it out the window.

I’m sorry, but this is wildly off-base on pretty much every level. Blade Runner 2049 ruined every noir and thematic concept of the original. It’s *pretty* and defensible as having *noir aesthetic*, but the notion that like the original, this is noir shows—and I hate to be a dick—that you don’t understand what noir is.

I struggle to believe you’re actually ignorant of this. Are you REALLY unaware of how the FTC looks at large mergers? Are you REALLY unaware of anti trust regulations? Do I really need to give you the Wikipedia link?

This was a terrible but pretty movie. It took the deep themes of the original and turned it into: “making babies makes you human,and villains should only be caricatures”. It will be largely forgotten even if it spawns more of its self indulgent cap.

Your faith in the free market is wildly misplaced. It is simply false to pretend it works as wel as regulation at protecting consumers, particularly for necessary items and items and items with a high cost of entry. How many times do you have to see the established players essentially collude (meat industry

Not really worth the cost but a very pretty ride.

Now this is the sort of conversation (on the broader ethical and philosophical issues) I’d like to see in more articles...