
I am a huge Flash fan. Have been for years, since I was a kid. It was the first comic I ever put on a sub list. The Flash was the reason I started going to comics shops.

This kind of nonsense is dangerous. First, because let’s be very clear: These “lives” aren’t real. Second, because despite the fact that these are demonstrably false memories, they can feel real, with all the hazards that entails. I don’t have a citation to hand, but I can’t believe the kids who were given the false

I...feel like you’re overstating your own position with “mostly” given this article.

Fonts are so gorram fascinating to me. And it’s very difficult for me to remember that’s not the case for other people. Like, a lot of my interests I know. I get it, most people don’t know how to date and fix typewriters, or who Philip K. Dick is, or who Bruce Campbell is, or how to use Linux. My brain has learned

So wait, you’re terrible in the sack and only monsters like you?

This is super irresponsible.

I wish I understood enough about vaping to figure out how to get my spouse’s stuff to play nice with my nicotine one; we tried it once and it fucked up the cartridge.

The only reason I met the woman who wound up becoming my spouse was cause I found out she loved PKD, and I feel most people don’t even know who he is. We will watch all of these.

I’m probably too late to this party to get an answer ‘cause I’m gray, but in your quote of your Facebook post, there’s brackets... and I’m incredibly curious what you were correcting/eliding. Was it just typos? *I’m curious *.

Every week, on our route home from the beach, my spouse and I pass signs pointing to the Nixon library. One of these days I want to go...

I really really loved the original. Are they producing this, or will I be able to buy it somewhere?

How can someone think this? Like literally.

I’ve been done with Fallon since the hair ruffling. He helped normalize this fucking train wreck. He’s not the only one with blame, but he’s got blame.

This would be a fair response in another situation. Not when things are this bad.

You can’t violate a shibboleth. It’s a distinguisher, and not synonymous with sacred cow.

Fuck this guy and his attempts to frame himself as a victim.

Can confirm that’s the case in Medic books too

Atheism is a religious position. The salvation army has different rules than American atheists, if that example makes more sense to you. I understood all along what you’re saying, what point youre trying to make, and it is wrong. It’s been wrong, your false accusation of dishonesty that you originally replied to me

You are just wrong.

*very few.