
Potassium Chloride! You can pick it up in the salt area, it’s usually the weird “No Salt” stuff for people on low sodium diets. Gatorade is NOT appropriate for an oral rehydration solution, because it doesn’t have much potassium, only salt and sugar. In a disaster, you need to keep your electrolytes up. Also just good

Well, again, I don’t want to shit on you for the way you’re approaching it, but let me just respond a bit...

I dunno; I think the system is fucked up to the point it’s almost impossible to be legitimate, except technically. And while I think he gamed that system, that in itself wouldn’t necessarily make him “illegitimate” for me if I were answering a survey.

I feel as though you don’t know what a bluff is. The Democrats were not bluffing; their proposed candidate WAS better by every meaningful metric than Cheetolini. Refusal to acknowledge that is not a proper game theory choice.

I’m a paramedic in southern CA. Nobody out here drinks enough water. Less kids, because kids are resilient, but the number of adults who haven’t had any water all day while they’ve been in the heat, then call 911 wondering why they feel faint is astonishing.

I’ve seen that Luke is refusing to release the third album, essentially blocking her entirely...wouldn’t that be a better grounds for a lawsuit? Don’t get me wrong, it should be the case that his behavior, if true (and I’d bet money, large sums, that it is), should justify an exit. But I feel like “He’s petulantly

You know, until I saw it I didn’t really “get” the criticism. I mean, understood it, but seeing the piece makes me actually get it, especially the bowl of fruit comment.

I like called ruler of the United States.

This article is wildly disingenuous, depending on what’s really being talked about here. Because it’s using one example of an UNcommon event, against a huge social problem.

This is an interesting, legit nuanced take. Doesn’t belong on the Internet! (I kid. Thanks for writing this)

On the one hand, there’s some elitism in the appeal to degree, and the pedant in me has an opinion.

Be petty about your shit if you want, but not about your kids.

Hey, some of us never get out of the grays at all.

That defensiveness seems a little knee-jerky, to me. It is an undeniable fact that this day was only for people who could get out of work without ruining their life. The Montgomery boycots were unpleasant, yeha, but there was also a sense of community, an attempt to try to minimize the harms of nto taking hte bus.

A lot of podcast catchers will let you get at iTunes. I use AntennaPod, and I pretty much only use the iTunes database.

Ugh, they’ve been working on this for awhile. But their implementation has been terrible, and they’re taking something that works (Hangouts) and trying to replace it with things that only do parts, and that don’t even make up a whole. If I recall correctly, when they first rolled Allo out it didn’t even do SMS, which

To the pain, a la Princess Bride?

“I’m not the type of person who does those things”, says person who did those things.

Ummm...that lighting was really...unfortunate?

Medical services in this country are badly in need of overhaul. Most people don’t see a doctor regularly, and don’t know enough basic medicine to know the difference between something they need to wait out and something they need to see a doctor for. Couple that with most people’s lack of knowledge of the different