Yes, yes...thank you. I get so many reactions: This isnt new!?
Yes, yes...thank you. I get so many reactions: This isnt new!?
Indeed! Check out another RC car i did>
Got my sleeve for 10 years now, and havent looked back once! I am however thinking on adding something to it.
You know....when i was getting that tattoo (runs all the way up over my shoulder) I asked the tattoo guy, MAN....how is this going to look when i am 80? He said 2 things:
Fun dude.......childhood dream.....getting in and out of tight parking spots. Does it really matter? Just enjoy. Maby you like this car better on RC? I also did the car from back to the future.
Nah...mustang drivers already do a good job at that :p
you mean this?
No you wont. It really is harder then it looks.
I would love to compete in something like that. Just not my corvette. I wanna be sponsord!
Thought of it. But do you know how hard it is to pay for your meal in the passengers side :p
No. I designed it so the throttle will let go and the brakes activate.
Yes....that would be a challenge. I could ‘maby’ pull it off. But you could only use 1 gear, and it will be very hard to control.
I already thought of that. I use a backup 2nd transmitter in the foot of the main transmitter. With that one, i can override the brake servos.
I do drive it every day. Its just a mod!
Thank you. Dont forget to check out my other projects like the delorean:
LoL....I will keep it V8-6.0L
already done it :)
Oh man...hope not! But i am very careful and know the limitations of the car and myself.
Its alot taking use to. Hardest part for me was using only 4 channels to control the car. Including failsafes and shifting. But thanks to mixing (and backup transmitter customized inside the foot of the main controller) I pulled it off. The delorean has more functions, because i used a different controller and…
So far, I did a corvette, delorean and transam. But there are some new cars pending. (even a twin engine speedboat) Why? Because the customer wants it!