
Welcome to the south. Both of my parents are from MS so I’m pretty used to it having visited my grandparents regularly growing up. It’s a very polarized state, I don’t mean that racially, but economically. Some parts are fairly nice, like Natchez, sort of a Savannah GA kinda vibe, others are are completely empty like

I’m a native southerner too, have spent time in multiple parts of the country and I don’t agree that the police here are worse, at least not anecdotally. The police are pretty much equally terrible everywhere, in my experience. it seems to come with the territory of “wanting to be a cop.”

Tsk tsk, scapegoating the south lets the rest of the country pretend this doesn’t happen in their own back yards!

Yeah, I don’t buy that. And SherrifTruman was right. People did this long before it was recorded. People like this will do it for the thrill, and the clicks on YouTube is just icing on the cake. You may think that by not watching helps in some way, but in reality you’re just trying not to feel guilty in the event

I’d think the massive amount of money he’s making from the insane amount of views he gets on Youtube for his craziest videos. I’m pretty convinced that he’ll manage to earn his Darwin Award before 2020.

You’re his mother, aren’t you.

The internets are yours and yours alone. Enjoy.

He was only off by two feet.

Is that a promise? I kinda want to see it with the Sharknado 4 production value...

Bullshit. Titanic didn’t sink, it fell of the edge of the earth. #flatearthftw

Good lord, stop it!

Jesse Ventura voice “Thermite paint!!”

The ‘Godzilla Theory’ still holds water with me.

pictured: chemtrails.

But what about the additives to make the coal smoke act as a mind control agent? At what temperature do those burn?

List of prohibited items:

Sorry, couldn’t make it past the first sentence.

Someday you will be able to plant a seed and grow a home-tree that will provide all the food and liquids you want while recycling all of your waste. No one can stop ideas from breaking out into the world, and not all ideas need to be stopped. I plan on perfecting a self recycling system that would eventually work

Was this list any different 4 years ago, or 8? I guess selfie sticks might not be there, but they could be covered by “Any other items determined to be potential safety hazards.” I don’t get the outrage.

Gawker’s not dead, it’s surely aliiive.