
WTF. This is a tech blog. Go start Gawker 2.0 and bitch till your hearts content.

Is there anyway we can BUILD A WALL around Gizmodo to keep out the political bloggers? WTF this is a tech blog.

No stickers for Oregon and Washington state. We vote from home.

Look who’s dumb I right?

How does this pass for acceptable Gizmodo content? Gawker is dead...GO HOME, YOU’RE DRUNK!

Good for you, but for the rest of us, it’s still news if we haven’t heard about it.

Awe. Bless his heart. FYI for all of you non-Southerners laughing at this guy: very few can pull off a Southern accent without sounding like a buffoon to other Southerners, and that includes highly paid Hollywood actors. Even fewer can actually fool one of us.

Here in Oregon, thete is a law on the books that forbids homeowners from suing their neighbors for legally using their land in the way it was zoned. We apparently used to have a problem with city people moving out into the country and then suing their farmer neighbors for... being farmers.

This guy and his past reddit comments are newsworthy? WTF.

And a fifth gear...

Meh... The rich bitch snarky attitude that she exhudes has never been hot though.

Hello from number two!