Basically every reactionary as fuck action/war movie falls into that category, no?
I don’t mean something with some emotional weight to it like Saving Private Ryan, I mean shit like non-Terminator Arnold movies.
Basically every reactionary as fuck action/war movie falls into that category, no?
I don’t mean something with some emotional weight to it like Saving Private Ryan, I mean shit like non-Terminator Arnold movies.
This isn’t necessarily true - I’m a card carrying socialist and in my Google News and suggested google articles (and youtube suggestions) I get right wing nonsense suggested all the time, sometimes directed at my very own party or our members. Shit is scary and the age of data on internet portents some extremely dark…
Beto, who is nakedly a centrist Dem and also the heir to a massive real estate fortune, is hardly the person who should be the face of the “progressive movement” unless you want that movement to be about surface level “hipness” and carefully crafted PR speak from the lackeys of capital
So any explanation for this or an issued correction for the stupid red baiting going on - the current Russian regime couldnt possibly be more different from the Soviet Union in economic or ideological character
He also had a tweet from 2016 about how all the “#Trayvon peeps” should stop complaining about police brutality and deal with black on black crime, so guessing his views have calcified rather than reformed, since that viewpoint is far more pernicious than a 17 year old posting on twitter
So, has FS1 had any segment on the 27 million Soviet citizens who gave their lives defeating the Nazi war machine, or have they focused on the one jackass at the top who spent most of the time bungling that effort
Theres not even a slant here - its literally just SEO clickfarming you see from shit like Heavy.
The obvious guess is that he was probably being threatened by a prosecutor with being tried as an adult if he didn’t plea out.
You really didnt learn anything about the Soviet perspective from this show eh?
lmao at this pack of moronic anti-communist lies
If people are too stupid to get who and what hes making fun of theres not much you can do about it; its kind of inevitable in good satire.
Unless you are a cop who shot an unarmed black person, then its as hard as a trial
US governmemt backed the apartheid government of South Africa and declared Nelson Mandela a terrorist, a distinction that was not removed until the second Bush administration. The us government and us capitalists siding with autocracies, dictators and ethnostates is par for the course
To me the various FCC enforced corny ass censored replacements like “ninja” and “hitta” and whatever feel like yet another form of cultural domination
One major flaw in the entire premise of your article - the idea that capitalism has a distribution problem that can be fixed. If that problem were fixed - it wouldn’t be capitalism anymore! The creation of profit through the exploitation of the surplus value of labor is the foundational bedrock of the system, and…
7th grade English teaches Animal Farm as anti-Socialist propaganda and completely warps Orwell’s intentions by stripping both Orwell’s own political views and the historical context with which he was writing.
This whole thing is essentially a WWE production - everyone involved knows its a complete joke. . The racial aspect is a huge selling point - Floyd has literally made millions off of selling himself to white people wanting to see him lose.
US intervention is never humanitarian in nature, and US and UK intervention is what directly led to the current Iranian government
How about fight ISIS by not perpetuating US imperialist policy that has served as the justification for Islamic terrorists for decades? Rather than trading all our civil rights here, as people seem willing to do, to maybe prevent a few dozen deaths from terror attacks, while enriching defense contractors? Theres no…
What minority urban communities bounced back? It wasnt the black rural south, the urban inner cities...trump voter median income was 72k. The economic hardship angle is a red herring