Its own, hopefully.
Its own, hopefully.
These are just good people, not good Christians. Anyone with a brain would do this. God fucks shit up and confuses the stupid. Just be a good person, it's not that hard. Anyone, no matter their belief system, can do this. Not that hard. Christianity makes it so.
I knew I would cry laughing, when I clicked on this link, and you didn't disappoint.
Oh meditation! I forgot! I still wake up in panics (you know what I mean) and my meditation destroys that shit like me paying Battleship, son!
Great question. I'm happy you asked because I think about what you just said all the time. I really do think I'm cured. But I dunno.
They have THC electronic puffers. Not that I've used one. I have a friend... why bother, we all know I came up with Blacky Boo Boo while watching Django Unchained high as all fuck.
Blacky Boo Boo is way cuter.
Is it bad that I want kids because, from the ages of four to sixteen, they will be my little "slaves?"
I want to star this a million times, then dance around it, and star it a million more.
We both know the reason you write for deadspin, Greg (hard G), is because you suck at ball, son!
This, this right here is why I read Jezebel. Not the fucking Thighlights ;-).
Not trying to be a dick, here (I usually try very hard), but as a former manic depressive, is it right for me to call bullshit on baby Cobain?
Aye, me lady, it could.
Whatever, Erin, you tomato, they say apples. Same shit. Or something.
Cesspit, Erin, cesspit rhymes with desperate.
Kim Kardashian Says She's a 'Strict Mother' and No One Cares.
Oh, Yay! Now computers are shitty judges of character, too!
thanks for this, Mark. No seriously, I go to you for fucking YouTube videos, and you come at me with this.
So awesome.