Bob the builder

It is the summation of the comments which deftly express the toxicity, entitlement, ownership, ego-inflated, patriarchy, and other pertinent reasons, why I decided awhile ago, that I’d never allow any male to get that close to me again. I survived the abuse at the hands of a husband who simultaneously espoused his

So well said...

ROFL!! Not messed up at all, on both counts. 🤘

I’m so sick of the lies...Hotep needs to STFU!

It was television...that's all.

Whenever the egoed elitists don’t get their way, something nefarious is always where they lay the blame. All I can say is, don’t drop the soap, Pill Cosby.

Yes, yes and yes...demented, deranged, and desperate, in yhe DSM 7

Great idea, response. I'm going to follow your path.

Of course they take it as a personal attack, anyone that doesn't look, believe, act, think, or fart like them is a threat, and personal attack. Because everything, is about them. smh

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All that crap on display is partly why I am a black-female ATHEIST. 

I’m a black women Atheist; I despise all of these so-called men of gawd. I cannot understand for the life of me why any woman, but especially a WOC (woman of color) would allow herself to be subjected to the hateful, misogynist boys club, that is the church. I grew up watching these perverted mofo’s and that is how

I was with you until you made the left turn on 2 wheels concerning CP time. I don’t do that. I want my time respected, so I am diligent about respecting the time of others...especially an Airline. Stop lumpimg, and stereotyping; isn’t sexy, necessary, or true.

I know, me too...


Yasssssss Captain!!!

Okay, no. She didn’t pay him $20k a week, she gave him $20k the week she put his ass out, filed for divorce, and changed the locks. On a side note; whoever her Attorney is, is the business. Her pre-nup was so ironclad that old boy couldn’t even get his legal fees paid.


Um, are you stupid? She’s a comediene! Good grief, You shut up, hater

Meeeeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooooooooooo!