
CDPR isn’t “consumer friendly”. They use the concept of consumer friendliness as a marketing tool. If they were consumer friendly they wouldn’t have released a mediocre, incredibly busted game as soon as continuing development may have jeapordized their profits. They were worried that no one was going to buy last gen

Cyberpunk’s problem wasn’t drm, and you should look up the word bankrupt since you obviously don’t know what it means. They didn’t go bankrupt or lose a ton of money.

It’s a truism that you pay a premium for an inferior product when it comes to video games, but it’s remarkable in how many different ways the publishers endeavor to make it true.

A joke (I know he’s playing on PC), but I miss the old days of the built in auto-aim being much, much weaker. It’s becoming increasingly frustrating to watch the smooth tracking in up-close encounters with controller folk. Seeing them be able to compete however makes up for this, as not everyone has the ability to use

I feel like several of the G/O sites would have nothing to say if it weren’t for buzzword stories.

Gaming expertise is preferred but not required.

Which is an understandable, but funny double standard these days for news writers.

I still think GTAV also feels like a warning, though. Originally, a single-player focused game that became a money printer. So, no single-player expansion DLC. Likely delayed new games and innovation, even in other titles the company released.

RIP AC franchise, you had some highs and some lows, but we’ll always remember the leaps of faith and the faithful architectural reproductions.

these games getting converted to GAAS’ is like trying to make ghostbusters or the universal monsters have a cinematic universe.  i hate it all.

Same. If I do ever go hunting for user reviews, it’s pretty easy to parse out the smart, comprehensive ones from the troll ones.

Honestly you can pretty much always tell when your reading a BS user review as people tend to be very up front and obnoxious about it.

The content creators he’s referring to are streamers who play Nintendo games, and then have Nintendo file DCMA take downs of their videos.

He’s not talking about people pirating.

Why did we come up with a nicer word for scalpers?

My guess would be Dahj considering their exciting naming convention.

Games are all about illusion. Actual freedom is less important than the illusion of freedom. Linearity isn't necessarily bad, but doing a poor job of disguising it is. FFX and FFXIII aren't actually too different in how linear they are but X does a much better job of distracting you from that.

I’m going to add phobophobia...

AKA, the fear of discovering a new phobia.  

Aww shit, FFXIII. Here we go again.

There are worse things than this spider monster concept.