
Yes and no. I’m with you on a CEO’s Kid shouldn’t determine anything on a game, but the article did say the developer admitted it was the right thing. The flags were annoying AF and now I know why there wasn’t an in-game map to find them (later iterations you could buy a map). But having an assassin game with no

Stop! You violated the law. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.

Must have stolen a sweetroll to get a sentence like that.

wouldn’t the solution be to play with a party that doesn’t harass you instead of playing with pick up group of randos?

I'm not expecting it to come out at all. My guess is things will continue on as they are for another 5-6 months and then they'll eventually make a statement along the lines of "due to increasing difficulties surrounding development on Anthem 2.0 due to COVID-19 and other external issues, we regretfully must annouce

Thanks, I've had 8 years to pin down why Diablo 3 didn't work for me. It's not coming from a place of bitterness, just disappointment. On the flip side Diablo 4 seems to be heading in the right direction. Time will tell on that one but I like what I've seen of it. 

Now playing

It’s all about tone. Diablo was always a lot darker and horror inspired. The world was often presented as a very gritty and bleak setting. They used pagan and satanic imagery with atmospheric and subtle music. Diablo III is just a cartoon with generic orchestra and nothing to suggest anything in that world is really

I’ll expect about as much from this silly name council, as I do from every other tech company that does this...nothing.

This is how the game has been since it literally started. It is a tough game, but there isn’t a huge advantage to more experienced players. They will obviously be better, as with everything, but it isn’t like unskilled players have no chance. And it’s a relatively quick learning curve.

This is beautiful.

No games are going to look like this.

LOL even in their tech demo she had to squeeze through a tight space to buy time for rendering.

There’s nothing xenophobic about being wary of an authoritarian regime’s attempt to influence our culture through our economic system. Tencent is essentially the corporate division of the Chinese government, and it exists to forward their agenda.

My advice to the world; get the fuck off Twitter.

Nah, they’re just doing their legally required due diligence. If you don’t protect your IP, you can lose your IP. Nintendo’s IP’s are incredibly valuable, and are undoubtedly their biggest asset.  

I’m sick of publishers releasing cinematics even if I’m engine, and claiming it’s gameplay footage. Unless I see what clearly looks like player controlled gameplay, preferably with the UI shown, then don’t bother showing it or call it a cinematic trailer. 

Bright Memory Infinite (forever BMI) looks like a cross between Killzone, Crysis, and Titanfall. And was that Delorean? 

Easy fix: ban that shit, too.

Right. That’s where the original opened up, and I think it would be silly to scrap that in the remake. Fingers crossed!

Now playing

Maybe Elon Musk has only played the game with the Malkavian mod:

So you’re saying they thought Aloy should’ve been Aboy?

Looks like the first gameplay footage will be shown on May 7th.