
Are you sure its the slider positions and not ironman that defines an achievement viable run? I seem to remember in Stellaris it was entirely tied to the Ironman button and its simply because save scumming allows you to skip basically every negative random consequence event etc.

Your views on 13-3 combat are like the complete opposite to mine, how awesome is a jrpg where you can make monsters extinct? Of course i’d fight them until there were no encounters left!

Where is Lightning Strikes Twice in your list? Its clearly the sequel to Lightning Returns

I’d love it described in this way, I always inwardly frown/eyeroll when somebody tells me they beat a game but clocking it sounds perfect lmao

This kind of thinking is actually where the git gud comes from though because to put it simply making achievements not include things some players can’t do is still gatekeeping, you’ve just moved the gate from group A to group B.

That’s pretty much all paradox games but they put those setting sliders in specifically so people can enjoy the game if its too awkward for them on the original settings. For example in Stellaris you can cut down the avenues the AI has to reach you and make them less aggressive and/or cut down micromanagement

This comments a long way down but It was worth getting to, I’ve always told my friends that realistically Dark Souls wasn’t that revolutionary it was just a harsh movement back to the way games of its type used to be played and the lack of any comparisons let it create shockwaves.

If you wait for the next sales cycle on steam, or the Square Enix sale you can get a copy of the windows edition for ~10$ which is a real bargain tbh (I own the game twice for this reason also) but I think its worth it if you want to experience the game in a way that is comfortably simple.

The issue with your 2nd paragraph is games like dark souls can’t be experienced with a no death button anymore than I can experience black widow by sitting in the cinema blindfolded with noise cancelling headphones on.

Do you play on console only? If you were playing on PC you could import somebodies save and play on NG+ which is tantamount to invincibility mode - I don’t think this works on consoles for trophy reasons but I could be wrong. 

Hard disagree from me, the problem with this way of thinking is the idea that everything has to be for everybody.

you need to try the aim assist out in warzone and you’ll understand, with aim assist off I’ve always thought the same as you but in Warzone being average with a controller feels like cheating compared to being average with a mouse/kb.

dlc inspired by netflix series thats inspired by book that inspired the game that inspired the dlc inspired by netflix.

I think what it comes down to is players want to be something, and the only way they can be that something or get close is to cheat.

The final line made me burst out laughing, I want someone to tell me that with a straight face

Personally I think Path of Exile is the only GaaS that puts content out fast enough to justify the moniker, its a bit niche compard to a behemoth like GTA 5 though.

MMOs and GaaS have become fairly similar but I think originally the idea was that a subscription covered the infrastructure costs of an mmo as well as regular content. If you took a game like DAoC for example you didn’t get content patched in, content game in big chunks via paid expansion packs but your sub was for

no it was simply that a game can be universally loved and have huge evidence its overwhelmingly positive but still not be a game you’d enjoy. I personally like overwhelmingly positive as a metric but I still go and look at the specifics of what type of game it is.

I like your point but the words are no different to the number because they are also a representation of the reviewer as well. I do appreciate what your saying about needing to read the review to understand if the reviewer represents what your looking for or not but the issue is reviewers lie, embellish, they may not

That’s one where people have to accept that accuracy has a price, if people want more accurate reviews they have to be willing to let reviewers take longer and frankly buy retail copies instead of being dependant on review copies provided by the developer.