This is how you soccer:
This is how you soccer:
Are those of us who’ve spent half our lives in the military who want to launch this cowardly embarrassment of a moron (sorry fucking moron) and the 100,000 some odd pathetic souls who starred those clownish tweets into the Sun feminist snowflakes too? Sign me up.
That’s the first time this season Fouts correctly analyzed an event on the field.
And Hernandez spit on Kramer that one time.
He beat the buzzer on the edit but there were witnesses.
My 15 year old daughter can recite that entire scene in an admirable Scottish accent. Guess I’ve done something right.
I was driving through middle Indiana a few weeks ago with my daughter and I swear to baby jesus up ahead an emu/llama looking thing ran out of the corn field on the right, across the road into the corn field on the left. We were far enough away as to be unsure exactly wtf it was but I don’t think it was Tina;
I was in Family Video with my son the other day and he grabbed a movie off the shelf with Steven Seagal on the cover and asked me if I’d seen it. I told him “never heard of it but rest assured it sucks”. I kind of like Butler so I hope he doesn’t go full Seagal on us.
In these parts that just means Indiana.
I was in the military for over 20 years and have a son in the Marines right now, if god forbid something happened to him and this messy, coward bitch of a president called me I’d tell him to get fucked and hang up.
Some leverage is good, more is better, he just did the exact same thing.
I’ve been in the US military for over 20 years and what pisses me off the most about this clown in chief isn’t that he’s an imbecile, we’ve had plenty of idiots take that chair, what really pisses me off is he’s a coward and a messy little bitch.
I’ll see your Leslie Knope and raise you a Ron Swanson, the only proper way to roast a marshmallow is to hand the damn bag to the children while you grill a Porterhouse and a Ribeye for what the men call a turf and turf. Dammit man, people can see you!
You know the antipathy for the Cowboys never really touched home with me, I never really cared enough and even my ‘breaking shit’ hatred of the Yankees as a young pup in Cambridge MA has mellowed. But when that fuckin Madame Tussaude escapee of an owner called a camera over so he could kneel for all the wrong reasons…
How odd - a cowardly, ignorant, messy little bitch coaching football.
Indiana is a bad place, there’s nothing good in indiana, Larry Bird and Lesly Knope are from Indiana, other than that - fuck ‘em. If you’ve never been to Indiana, don’t. If you’re in Ohio and need to get to Illinois by car drive the extra 500 miles through Kentucky or drive north to Lake Erie straight off a pier,…
Click the link and all pay up
Cash $$$, I read that last night and almost raised Jeff one Chad but I think Chads are usually blonde, gingers or if Canadian mulletized.
Are you done with yourself?