
That’s what makes his post-coaching responses so incredible. THIS EMAIL WAS SENT TO YOU AND A FUCKLOAD OF ADMINISTRATORS. Do you seriously expect anyone to believe a) you don’t remember an email with “I was raped” in the subject line and b) nobody else to whom that email was sent approached you or a designee of your

“I may have seen that email”

You would be surprised how often PR flacks think they can dictate coverage to journalists. The sad thing is, they try it because a certain percentage of the time it actually does work.

I work in higher ed. The folks assisting with the President’s email are absolutely supposed to follow up on an email like that if the institutional culture isn’t terrible. Why? First off, you want to do right by your students. But even if that isn’t enough, you follow up because otherwise it can turn into a dumpster

Can’t give enough stars. Ken Starr, stalwart defender of the appearance of sexual proprietary, and the indefatigable champion of political convenience. No sacrifice is to great to acheive those lofty goals, as long as it’s some broad doing the sacrificing..

My point above is that his team would almost certainly have brought this to his attention.

Yeah, that’s a very strange play. I’m sure pressuring the news director off camera isn’t that unusual, but once he refused to play along I’m not sure how she thought stopping the interview like that would fix things.

Re: “I’ve got daughters”

Seriously, this should be taught in journalism schools. Perfectly edited and exactly the right way to deal with manipulative interviewees.

You can’t ask a millennial to remember something that happened before they learned how to read.

Right? This is they type of stuff I don’t expect the media to do, so it’s pretty damn refreshing.

And remember, the Monica Lewinsky thing happened because Starr was tasked with pinning the Whitewater scandal on Bill Clinton and he couldn’t, so he went on a fishing expedition.

I’d guess local news is normally happy to roll over, especially if not doing so might hurt their relationship with important subjects. But apparently his handler didn’t realize that now that he’s resigned as president, Ken Starr is not important, and it’s in Baylor’s interest to shift blame to the people who have

Uhh, I’m pretty sure the president of a fairly large and significant university has an administrative staff, some of whom would have access to his e-mail for the sole purpose of screening the messages that come in. Pretty sure that person would click the little red flag next to “I Was Raped At Baylor”

Ken Starr’s world:

Bravo to KWTX!

Oh, my apologies, I wasn’t trying to correct anything! I just wanted to point out their fundamental(ist) hypocrisy. Here’s one for you:

Calling Baylor a Catholic university would probably provoke a stronger reaction from the administrators than the actual assaults did.

There are a number of men who have the same problem.

man can’t just take no for an answer