
They’ll keep rolling out more higher margin models...

I’m pretty sure the surprise is at a second round of depositing...

There’s still more context though, if the Toyotas are racking up more mileage than the Teslas or vice versa they’re more exposed to the possibility of an accident...

That’s exactly why I don’t use adaptive cruise on 2 lane highways. Everyone keeps jumping in the space the car leaves between and I feel like it’s about to kick into reverse...

Even when you make a system idiot-proof evolution figures out how to make a better idiot...

yeah, it’s in the same realm as my ‘17 Fusion Sport...

So I guess this means at least 3 more years before A $35K Model 3 comes off the line...

It looked like there was a bit of Kerfluffle in there, too...

How the fuck do you think he lost it? It’s pretty much understood.

If he had been a PMC or other contractor and lost his right arm he’d have a much higher budget...

Musk: Time to institute the 10 day work week! PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

All in favor.... AYE!

Might be the first time this misspelling is accurate:

Loosing your shit...

Nah, most of us are thankful when they can point you to the correct aisle for the item you’re looking for...

You know, I thought I was over Artax until you said something.

Thanks, asshole...

Some people just want to think they’re “better than you” because they “read The Infinity Gauntlet”. I did too but still enjoyed the hell out of watching this unfold. Anyone who says they didn’t get it right in the feels during the Spidey scene is a straight up liar.

They already are:

And we’d hear about how Elon revolutionized automaking...

I’m really enjoying it. I’ve only had it for a month and a half (got lucky finding one still brand new in the area), but I swapped out my 2015 SE for it so I was already familiar with the Fusion. I was totally ready to take a bath on MPG but I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how close it has been to my SE (for the


That’s a previous gen Sport with the 3.5L V6...