
My 2017 Sport shows in the 19's on bad days. Driving from Philadelphia to Boston I get up to 28.

Well then it’s obviously the car’s fault...

Well if he does he already ordered another one...

Takes a lot of research to read the description of the video, I guess:

Probably Hoosiers or Remember the Titans...

Yeah, Yeah, scorching hot take...

Probably the objectification of the lamp...

Unless you’re Major League Baseball...


Yet the greatest crime here is recording in portrait...

You really need to look at that play again and pay attention to how long after the catch he starts moving towards the ground...

The differences in mass aren’t negated. A capital ship might put a dent in either (more vs a DS than Starkiller) but full blown destruction would be unlikely. Multiple capital ships would be required and the Rebel fleet wouldn’t be able to afford the losses.


Still no Lando

Yeah, I heard people complaining about that , but considering how he reacted up close and personal with Kylo Ren in TFA I wasn’t the least bit surprised...

He was an OT villain before he was prequel though...

Gotta make that $4.5 billion back somehow...

Waiting on the Saracens, Jones Street Boys, Moonrunners and the Van Cortlandt Rangers...

That number’s right. To buy everything right now it’s $4216.41