With the way he chokes you'd think he was raising throat cancer awareness...
Was "'s Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign" really a necessary part of the title?
So you're saying that everyone who is registered as a sex offender is dangerous?
My point is that all of the current reports state that the suspect tried ramming a gate with her car, police opened fire on the car, she took off, was pursued, and then crashed. There has been no report that anyone but the police had guns.
Are you talking about the situation in DC or the Jezebel commentariat jumping to conclusions before any facts had been reported?
Because sex offenders did something wrong, guns are inanimate objects incapable of acting on their own?
Yeah, without guns the police that fired them wouldn't have killed the woman who tried ramming a gate...
Actually, it was the police firing on a car...
Everything I'm reading shows a driver, not a shooter, no word of the suspect having had a gun, much less firing one.
I hope you realize that being surrounded by a mob giving you no route to retreat and being in fear for yours or another's life is justification for defensive use of deadly force even in New York.
From most of the reports he had called 911 before the brake checking happened.
Yeah, should have put it over this way, better acoustics here...
I really wish these assholes could understand that she is just as much a foreigner as anyone else born in the US...
Scientologist giving a lecture on brainwashing?
Being a "regular guy" I just have to ask. Is there some way we can disown these idiots?
Partner: Gentleman proprietor of a clothing store in my local mall.
Was the store named Fashionable Male, by any chance?
Partner: Gentleman proprietor of a clothing store in my local mall.
Was the store named Fashionable Male, by any chance?
Just imagine what the article and comments section would have been like if you flipped the script. You could have sold venom and vitriol by the ton if he had pushed her off the cliff...