At least he had the courtesy to do so once he got to the sideline...
Surely you...
I have an i7-3930K overclocked to 4.5 GHz, 32GB of DDR-2133 RAM, a 512GB SSD RAID, 2 Geforce GTX 780s, and iTunes still handles like I'm trying to slalom an 18-wheeler with a full load going downhill compared to other programs.
Amen, brother.
I really wish Publix would move up into the Northeast...
You forgot how they usually do this in the left hand lane of the highway...
It also looks like they were in an exercise and currently "dead", if the wing tank was still alive it would still be participating in the "battle" (note the cannon fire through the video) and could have likely been well away from where the video was shot.
Reflex Cannon; looks much more SDF-1 than Yamato...
I can see Leslie's next article on Gizmodo: "Cowboys Stadium Has A Retractable Roof That Is Cool As Hell"...
Like this?
Bobby Brown would probably be a better candidate for "My Prerogative"...
That's what this is for: iOpener
If the option is available, running the game in fullscreen windowed mode as opposed to plain fullscreen alleviates this in many cases.
Unfortunately, like the article said, they already have a 6 year old child. Their moron genes have already been passed on and will continue to pollute the gene pool.
Poor kid's gonna be singled out any time Stand by REM gets played...