
Well it didnt get noticed because most of us cant play it.

That’s what happens when you cut corners on hardware. Not trying to be a PC elitist just cause saying they should have used stronger hardware this time around. At this rate they will need new consoles in about 2 years.

So more overpriced prebuilt PCs? I thought Alienware had the market cornered.

I think they got the 2 terms confused and were likely referring to negative players. Riot has been cooking up different ways to weed them out.

Thanks im gonna check this one out :)

I was just saying between these 2 cars in the article that would be my choice. Corvettes are awesome!

As a GM fanboy, I would choose the Mustang over the new gen Camaro any day.

haha I like the little green band-aid.

Lol spark plugs, sure if your old ones are really worn out.

If it cant run at 1080p 60fps on high end hardware and looks like Fallout 4 it runs like shit. If it can be fixed easily with mods then the developer didnt do a good job.

5 years is short? Relative to today where consoles last well past their prime.

Im not trying to defend the guy but I didnt see the SUV using a turn signal in the video. That being said no matter how frustrated you are its never worth it to attack someone in a car. They’re bigger and will easily win that battle. Best to get out of the way and avoid the crazies.

True but road construction here is corrupt and lazy. They really should put a realistic deadline in place for and penalize contractors for not meeting them.

Well I kinda want a 228i but its a bit pricey new. Im sure its much quicker than my 138hp Astra.

This looks a lot like Child of Light.

AAA as in they can afford to make games based on famous franchises, doesnt mean it’s $60 worth of content. Plenty of other great games that dont nickle and dime people to death with DLC.

Well thats what EA does now. They make a full game, strip out parts and sell them to you later. A $60 game is now a $110 game.

Thanks for the heads up, this show is hilarious.

Never forget Cloverfield and how terrible it was.

Lol I rarely pick up any food items in Fallout games unless im desperate. The new cooking feature is actually pretty nice and removes the radiation penalty.