The biggest difference is the amount of pop-in on the console, less detailed lighting, and fewer items on screen. If you some of the gameplay videos both consoles get some seriously bad frame rate dips. I really hope they patch that for you guys.
The biggest difference is the amount of pop-in on the console, less detailed lighting, and fewer items on screen. If you some of the gameplay videos both consoles get some seriously bad frame rate dips. I really hope they patch that for you guys.
And I do the exact same thing with my PC using a Xbox 360 controller (PS4 controllers work too!).
Yep happens at my office as well. Our branch creates and supports applications for the rest of the company to use and it’s fairly common for them to set a target date and launch even if it’s not fully ready. It gets real frustrating when they replace an app that doesnt need to be replaced but they have to keep us busy…
Battlefield is not MP only and yeah its on of the bigger franchises. Both Titanfall and Evolve crashed and burned horribly on PC. I was going to get Evolve but it was obvious it was designed as a F2P game and they slapped a $60 price tag on it.
The trailer looks real good, hope they bring back classic Warcraft.
Yep thats why I sold mine. Had the red/gold Mario version. Also battery life was pretty bad compared to the other models.
I know exactly how he feels. There are cars I have owned that I would take back in a heartbeat: My ‘87 Buick Lesabre and my ‘85 Corvette. I put a TON of blood, sweat, and tears into that Vette and it may not be regarded highly but I love it. Drove it everyday even in the snow lol. So yeah it makes me happy to see…
I also blame the average Joe who cant drive for shit and buys a new Honda Accord because its safe and boring. These are also the assholes that try to kill us on our 2 wheeled machines of glory.
It’s more cinematic that way ;)
That’s because sites like that are considered grey market. Not technically illegal but if Valve catches you they could ban your account. Not really worth losing my gaves to save a few bucks.
That’s because sites like that are considered grey market. Not technically illegal but if Valve catches you they…
LOL masterpiece. I loved Arkham Asylum and pre-ordered Arkham City. It seems many people forgot what a turd it was too.
As for the new Jeep’s lack of nimbleness this would also apply to nearly every new bloated vehicle.
Agreed 1920x1080 is the min resolution.
Well Arkham City ran like crap on PC too so im not surprised.
We use Adblock because the ads are our of control. We often have to sit through 30 seconds long ads that you cant skip on just about every video. Its so bad I usually dont bother with Youtube on my phone.
Hello from a fellow Harley rider also putting away the bike for winter :(.
Yep, in college a buddy’s parents lived on a farm and they had a 69 Corvette wasting away next to the barn. So weather worn I couldnt tell what the original color was. Poor car.
I’ve never dated a girl who liked video games. At best they’re like well you have fun. I want some 2 player co-op with my relationship damnit.
Once again the person refusing to coorporate and resisting arrest becomes a “victim”. It’s not a racial issue, it’s a respect issue.
Everything made by Toyota currently. Runner up would be Chrysler.