
Doubt it will sell well now unless there is a drastic price cut.

I will never understand why anyone would be an Amazon device. Dont get me wrong the Kindle was cool and thats fine if all you want to do is read books but for anything else might as well get an Android tablet or an iPad. Amazon also blocks streaming to PCs, wtf is that about?

Thats why I bought a European made car, it may have Saturn badges but its really an Opel, with a manual of course.

Unsold? I have never seen a new one at the dealerships around here cause they sell like hotcakes. Must be a regional thing.

That partially explains why people there cant drive.

As far as being a first vehicle, not a bad idea but also not practical for most. How will they get around in the winter?

It would be really nice to have a car that can filter allergens and air pollution. I have to agree with the experts that it probably doesnt make a great bioweapons defense. Besides what about when you get out of the car? It is electric after all.

It’s considered financially successful, not necessarily critically successful. That being said still incredibly surprised that they havent released it for PC yet.

Thou shalt give me the option to change my keys/buttons to whatever the hell I want.

The difference is that you are encouraged to open and clean your PC. If you do the same on a console it voids the warranty. I found that out the hard way with my Xbox 360.

3rd Gear: In response to the critics’ concerns that the lack of testing is keeping more polluting cars on the, no it’d not. The vast majority of cars on the road are not new and are even more likely to have damaged or partially working emissions equipment. I live in SW Ohio where they stopped doing E-Check so people

True but that is another point. If you want a manual you are usually limited to a small to medium size car. Even if they do make the car you want with a manual it can be hard to find one unless you order it that way.

Unfortunately here in the U.S. people dont enjoy driving so its getting harder to find a new car with a manual.

Should have used Ronald Reagan.

And yet GM’s V8 is still one of the most affordable and reliable engines.

I know right? How do you skip Baldur’s Gate? Also missed out on a ton of better expansions like Starcraft Brood War, Diablo 2: LoD, Diablo 3: RoS, Borderlands: General Knoxx, Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island. I could go on but those were some of my favs.

I do remember playing this and it was a lot of fun. Guess it was cutting into their profits so they had to axe it. Then I axed my Xbox Live sub.

It looks interesting in black and white but I prefer color. You miss a lot of details in black and white.

CP. If want to ride rather than wrench you’re better off finding a much newer bike for that amount. You can buy a brand new Honda Grom for that money people.

Yep, 2012 model and everything works. Its still running Android 4.4 cause I heard 5.0 does not run well on it.