
Yeah a lot of us got suckered into buying FF XIII. Now if you bought the sequels well cant help ya there.

I guess the only way to be sure that you can still play older games is to keep your old system.

There’s always a few bad eggs in every crowd. I try to stay far away from any vehicles on the highway, I like staying alive.

Damn no wonder I stopped watching TV, the only good thing on there is Doctor Who. The Walking Dead used to be great and the show could have taken so many directions different from the comics but they keep coming up with garbage. Seriously go read the comics and you’ll see what people are bitching about.

The cheaper and easier solution is to copy the game folder onto another hard drive. No need to burn a disc or print anything.

It’s kind of ironic that last year I bought an old school steel cruiser bicycle and loved it but wanted to go faster. Then I bought a Trek road bike and enjoyed that, even tried riding in the street (never again!). I bought my first motorcycle in July.

2007 you say? Hmm what could have changed? Oh yeah everybody and they’re grandma texting while travelling down the highway at 70mph in a 3000-4000 lb vehicle.

Well when I drove through Texas and the speed limit was 80mph I did about 70-75 and stayed in the right hand lane. Why? Well at 80mph my engine is running at 4200rpm in 5th (highest gear). Also my gas mileage drops from 32 to 25. My car needs a 6th gear damnit.

Nein! Too much for such an old mundane car even if it is a wagon.

That is bull. He may have been negligent but manslaughter seems excessive.

Unlike Diablo 3 the interface wasnt simplified enough to give proper control using a controller. Now that being said the game is highly moddable and it wouldnt surprise if someone came up a controller mod.

The system requirements are pretty low, just get it for PC.

I did a 5K once, never again. My finish time was ~45 minutes, had to take a breather to prevent having an asthma attack.

Well it’s not like the new trilogy has a lot going for it, why not throw in another shitty director?

Saturn failed because GM didnt do a good job marketing the brand. People ask me wtf I drive (Saturn Astra).

Yup can confirm that my company has such a policy.

I think that Bugatti looks pretty slick and it serves a purpose of housing that monster engine.

Same could be said for rich people that go bankrupt or run a company into the ground. My point was more along the lines of a middle class person offering a more realistic view of the world.

On one hand it looks fun but on the 3 wheels takes a lot of the fun from riding a motorcycle. I think its great for people who cant or dont want to ride a traditional motorcycle but im staying on 2 wheels.

Just saying the PC offers more options and freedom. I liked my Xbox 360 just got tired of it RROD all the time, still use the controller on my PC.