
They are the masters at making poor running games. Dying Light still crashes constantly on PC.

I was gonna go with Karl but I looked it up and it was spelled with a C. Lets just go with Mr. Benz lol.

I would play the hell out of this. I remember back in the day that controller was crazy expensive.

Not surprised really but I dont get the connection between the U.S. and automobiles unless he means the country made them popular (Ford Model T). The automobile was invented in Germany by Carl Benz.

Kinda funny how they blame the drought on everything from agriculture to global warming. They should just face the elephant in the room: overpopulation. Their climate cant sustain that amount of people.

Good riddance to that monstrosity. They should have just made a proper wagon in the first place.

There really is no excuse for auto manufacturers to not meet the mpg average. They’re just now back to where they were in the late ‘80s/early ‘90s. Yes cars have become a lot safer but at the cost of weight and aerodynamics. A mid size sedan should not be larger than a 90s full size sedan, same goes for trucks/SUVs.

That was the last one I tried to watch, got halfway through and was bored out of my mind. The first and third movies are the ones I liked.

Agreed on the retailer exclusivity but as far as shipments through ports not so much. They said shipments could be delayed all the way into summer.

Looks like it wont be too hard to run. If its bug free, is optimized to run well, and supports mods I will buy it at launch.

It’s coming to the U.S. they said the first one was a success here. Besides wtf else am I going to play on my 3DS???

Thats a crossover SUV thing and not a real wagon

No one cares, where is the Astra GM?! Bring that shit back to the U.S. already!

Stick shift is not an option so yeah dont care.

That was my first impression when playing Dying Light, hey this is a lot like Far Cry. I personally hated the original Dead Island and I feel like this is quite a step up. I find this game addicting/frustating although there are some things that need change. This game is HORRIBLY optimized on PC, there is no excuse

What kind of crap is that? DX9 vs DX11, its the same game using a different API set. Man developers are getting lazier and lazier with these ports.

It has a 1.8L that makes 138hp so its comparable to the standard focus in terms of power. Weaker suspension and structure??? Unless the ST is a completely different car than the standard focus then no. I traded in a 07 Focus for the Astra and everyone agreed it was a way better car. I mean sure electronics are

That's actually quite heavy for a Focus. My Saturn Astra weighs about 2900 lbs and is roughly the same size.

Lol I said that as I was reading the article. Needs to lose like 500 lbs.

I thought about it and I think the best way to do it is to have a turbo option. It would keep the weight down while addinga decent chunk of power, like around 250hp. Its been done with other roadsters (Saturn Sky Redline for example) but maybe Mazda can be the one to pull it off.