
Great deal on the wiper blades, too bad they dont fit my car. The only ones ive found that fit are Rain-X Latitude and theyre so expensive (for wiper blades).

More European cars in the U.S. with diesels a an option. Hey GM bring over some more Opels, that new Astra is sexy.

It was a slow year for me apparently.

Im not a big South Park fan but I found the Stick of Truth to be be fun and hilarious.

Enterprise!!! :D

Normally I agree, but lately Ubisoft has been making me want to pirate their games. Haven done it but they really suck and probably deserve it.

Ive seen Fieros for this price or less sans dead mouse smell. Id pass.

I never said it was the only way but its a start. This is of course assuming that they have their DNS servers setup properly. You guys are thinking of MAC filtering at the basic level like what you would see on a consumer grade router. The type im referring to is going to confirm the MAC and device type before it even

Actually there are ways to stop it. The easiest would be to block anything thats not an Xbox device using MAC filtering. They build them so they obviously know your MAC. FYI I work at a large company and this is one of the simplest ways we prevent DDoS attacks.

Lol thanks I havent seen that one before. Doesn look like there are many Jewish people on Kotaku. Well Happy Holidays to everybody :D

Speaking of Telltale games, I just finished the Walking Dead season 2 and wow that was very disappointing. Hopefully the third one will be more like the first.

I just started playing Child of Light and after some initial technical issues (Didnt realize it was an Ubisoft game) im actually enjoying it a lot. Its got a bit of an old school FF feel.

Movie industry keeps putting out horrible movies, only decent movie I saw this year was Guardians of the Galaxy.

This is why I stopped playing mobile games since they rely on microtransactions to actually play the game. If I see a full game release and theyre doing a season pass thing I wait until the GOTY version is on sale or buy the DLC later on sale.

Well in my experience if it gets as bad as it did in the story of going months without sex and she's not giving him a good reason. That relationship is over. In a way she's being selfish by not breaking things off when its not what she wants.

Because SE complained about the poor sales or the first game and now they're intentionally cutting back 66% of their market. Yeah that'll move more copies.

So another FF game that nobody asked for? Just why SE?

Kinda funny how its gotten worse. Original Xbox was simple and straight to the point. Xbox 360 blades same thing but adding in the extra features. Its been downhill ever since. PS3 may not have the fastest interface but it works.

Well if they made a proper sequel to FF VII or Chrono Trigger they could charge $60 and not even change the graphics. The fact that they keep teasing it and pushing sequels nobody asked for shows how out of touch they are.

Or an insanely high budget marketing campaign. The ads ive seen on TV are declaring it the highest rated game ever by throwing 9's, 95%+, 10/10 ratings all over the screen. Also couldnt help but notice that they didnt show any gameplay.