
I couldnt find my keys and had ended up washing them which is pretty scarey when its like $300 to replace them. Threw it in a bag of rice overnight works like a charm.

Half Life 2 made another great leap forward with its enemy AI. Most shooters have dumb AI and just charges you instead of adapting to your tactics. For as powerful as hardware has become its disappointing that they havent put much work into AI. Of course there are some exceptions, I hear the new Alien game has some

I would be distributing stuff for free too, i mean come on $250-$300 for unreleased versions and betas?

Agreed, im glad im not the only one that is annoyed with all the repulsive comments on Gawker. God forbid you try to counter with logic, its like Fox News in there.

Im glad to see the Moto X and Sony Z3 made the list. Good to see quality phones that arent the size of aircraft carriers.

An APU is a CPU and integrated graphics on the same die. Xbox One/PS4 have motherboards that are closer to a laptop motherboard with a CPU and a GPU soldered to the board. An APU is not better than a CPU because it has to make room on the die for the onboard graphics. Even if you stick with AMD a FX CPU + discrete GPU

My PC is not at a desk and I sit on the couch and play. Sure my PC cost more than a console but its also 5x more powerful. You can buy small console sized PCs for $400-$500 that offer similar performance combined with with Steam's big picture mode and its a lot like a console. You can even open it with just the

No diesel? Makes no sense when it gets better gas mileage and more torque, perfect for a truck.

Yeah but they're not beefy at all. They're essentially netbook/super low end laptop CPUs which is like the worst for gaming. They should have used an A series CPU.

omg yes please!

Thanks for the interesting documentary style videos!

Speaking of which the beloved Miata gets horrible gas mileage considering the small engine and weight.

With the amount of players its no surprise that they've only banned 5%, but thats still 3.35 million people.

They probably figured hey why not? People like gargantuan sized phones so lets make a giant Vita.

LMFAO not even close. It has an incredibly weak CPU that is closer to the E series AMD CPUs just with more cores. The GPU is based on an older architecture and would be closer to a neutered Radeon 7850. I bet that weak ass CPU is bottlenecking the whole system.

Im a fan of all Corvettes except C5 and the new "Stingray". I used to own an 85 and thought it was a fantastic car, full of mod potential.

Agreed, I would be totally cool with that pla. Not a WoW fan either.

I agree, when publishers place an embargo on reviews thats a red flag especially considering that this is Ubisoft we're talking about.

Same here, will be waiting to see how good it is (as in not a crappy port like GTA 4).

lol would probably be better than the actual movie.