
CNN, FOXnews, MSNBC, etc just report a bunch of garbage and skew the stories so badly i cant believe anyone is stupid enough to believe that BS.

Looks like a good alternative. I would try them if they came stateside.

I rarely go to Starbucks but I always get coffee. Much cheaper to make it at home :)

Agreed, I wouldnt want to live anywhere near Detroit.

Like I said plenty of variables which is why its a good idea to play around with different settings.

It gave a very broad strokes explanation of AA so the new people dont feel overwhelmed. Yes each type of AA works differently but as a general rule you can assume than FXAA/TXAA isnt going to look as good as MSAA and the associated performance cost reflects that. However it will vary based on the game and your

Tesselation can be absolutely brutal on performance if its heavy enough. I doubt it will become commonplace since the new consoles dont have enough power to really push those extra pixels so developers probably wont include the option.

lol yeah I feel bad for Akira Toriyama.

Well it wasnt without merit. The first 50 episodes were published in the U.S. by Pioneer (I think) and the dub was significantly better. Funimation has gotten better over the years.

I knew it was the C4 Corvette commercial as soon as I saw the screencap. Terrible commercial, awesome car.

I do :(

Well paint is not technically part of Office and im sure they would have added the whole suite if there was room.

Well maybe it'll be better than playing the game. 1) It's already like a movie, same goes for the Uncharted series. 2) Wont be dying all the time because you ran out of shivs or got the timing wrong.

Check out Just Cause 2 on PC with CUDA enabled (requires Nvidia GPU), it looks amazing.

There are a lot of rude people in the U.S. and its because they just dont care. I wonder if other countries are like this.

But they do price gouge, if not the station itself then the parent company. Ever notice how theres trouble in the middle east or whatever and the price sky rockets but then takes its sweet time coming back down even if said event is a false alarm (usually is).

Well thats disappointing to hear but hey at least you get more power as a trade off.

They were popular but never cool. My GF still has hers and its the most underpowered POS.

I understand the difference between U.S. and imperial gallons. I was trying to point out that their vehicles are available in many configurations including diesel engines which get better fuel economy. You are correct in that the same vehicle with the same engine is likely to get the same fuel economy depending on the

That and Europe has cars that get far better gas mileage than their U.S. coumterparts so they're less likely to take a chance on some hybrid thing