Lee H

Joss Whedon, i don’t believe, ever started the rumour he was a feminist. Others placed that title upon him due to his shows having women in the leading roles. Alias first, which was better in many ways because the leading role could have been a young man; and becasue it didn’t matter but Buffy was about a cheerleader

I let my son play Breath of the Wild. He just likes cooking, running, and jumping off of cliffs. He breaks a lot of my weapons, but hey, they were going to break at some point. The trade off is, that i get to play his (Translation; secretly mine) Disney Infinity with the extremely good Figures. He looks after them so

I used to think like that too. But outside of unlocking in game abilities or characters, they’re also extremely well made figurines, and highly detailed too. I’ve wanted a Wolf Amiibo from Twilight Princess for a while. Playing through the Cave of Shadows it unlocks ups Wolf Link’s hearts, so when you transport him to