
Yeah, this is about as insightful a comment as I’d expect from somebody who calls themself “Hououin Kyouma.”

What else do you use your stomach hand for?

In Tarkov the civilians have, indeed, fled, you can find them in the mission hub area outside of the battle maps, selling things and giving missions.  However it would have to be litigated what the “scavs” count as-- are the non-uniformed troops?  Criminal gangs taking advantage of the conflict? do they count as

Too bad this is spearheaded by the Red Cross. Fuck the Red Cross.

This is a pretty neat idea.
I wonder if for the Tarkov iteration there will be ammo restrictions, ie only FMJ, no hollow-points. Or inversely only reduced richochet ammunition intended for reduced collateral damage, which are effectively hollow-points but for use in apartment buildings etc for special forces and law

Rich republican kid... working? HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHHAAASKKJhjhfskjdg

Despite the overt racism apparent in the “Thug Shaker Central” Discord, an anonymous member told the Post that that community was not “a fascist recruiting server.”

“Our guns pen-testing gear is on;y as bad as the people using it.”

I’m not cheering for Disney’s success, I’m just celebrating Ron’s failures.

Look, screw Nvidia generally, but full path tracing is MONSTROUS on performance, and has nothing to do them. Seriously, look at Quake RTX which absolutely WRECKS a 3080, which can only do like 30fps. Why are you surprised that game that already kills performance, generally, has poor performance when they add path

For PC players, who previously never had access to a dodge,

The abrupt cut when I played it ten years ago just felt more — brutal. Like Ellie was absolutely destroyed and cast adrift by what Joel did. I don’t know if that feeling works for first time watchers, but I think it works a bit better with the anvil drop instead of a slow emotional drifting away.

Yeah no. In the game Jerry talks about needing to remove it because they have tried multiple tests and haven’t figured anything out. The samples from it still infect normal blood samples just like non-mutated cordyceps.
There’s no mention of a “chemical” that the cordyceps is producing.

In the show, if they know it’s a

I just... why did Apple even include this feature? And why hide it?

I wonder how much of the extreme fallout for this game are actually "false flag" operations to show the LGBTQ+ community in a bad light

Countdown to Tucker Carlson ranting that people need to go have diarrhea in the streets to own the libs. “Don’t be fooled by Big TP! Charmin planned this! Go out an live your freedom!”

I’ll agree 3000w per rig is def more than I was assuming.  Since there was significant electrical work done in the crawl space, some reconfig of the breaker panel and circuits is allowed in my scenario ;-)

Sources say school administrators were suspicious of the high school teacher who could apparently pay rent AND feed himself.

Seems like a difficult manga to translate without completely woolsey-ing the whole thing

I’m a native English and Japanese speaker. I’m an attorney who specializes in international litigation, and particularly linguistic aspects of evidence. I’ve translated 100 page long contracts where every word of the contract needs to match the corresponding legal meaning in the other language.