
Did you just have a stroke?

Reminds me of secondary school RE (religion classes in a Catholic school).

Next he’s going to whine that Nintendo was outselling Activison playing cards, back in the 1920s.

You’re mad they’re not covering 2 recently Kickstarted JRPGs from relative nobodies? You’ve lost the plot, bud.

There are no good people involved in crypto or NFTs. 

If you didn’t mention Microsoft directly I would have thought you were describing EA

That’s his knee, you’re falling for a rumour spread by a conservative Christian organisation

If someone with ‘foot’ in their name doesn’t get it, I’m not going to bother wondering why I don’t get it either.

One of the reasons I agreed to watch this back in college was that it was billed as specifically not a musical. I just don’t like musicals (Disney or otherwise).

Counter: what if you’re leading a team of five people and everyone is amazing. This policy forces you to pick one of them as the “worst”, and suddenly that person’s financial and employment situation takes a direct hit.

Found the Chinese Spyware Bot.

You seem... foolish? So if you worked on a 3 year development game for two years, then left at the beginning of the third year, you would be out of the credits, whereas if you were hired for the last 9 months, you would get full credit.

I for one am flabbergasted. I refuse to believe someone as fine and upstanding as Logan Paul would do this.

just take the L bro

Even that’s suspect. The feedback mechanism of allowing firms to fail if they have bad ideas and the risk/reward tradeoff that liquid capital markets create is critical to the most efficient economic evolution and innovation.

Probably off-gassing protection from thrusters? Nitrogen tetroxide, hydrazine or whatever it uses.

Sir this is a Wendy’s

the ‘fail’ rate of FedEx and UPS is multiple magnitudes higher than the USPS, regardless of the anecdotal evidence you just remember off the top of your head of a fractional number of incidents.