
Setup near a dispensary and now you’re cooking with fire!

Nah, Matt Gaetz probably has something fancier than a Santa Fe.

Yeah, but in the US doctors and their hospitals can’t bear to delay a billable procedure.

Agreed, Klee is one of the top DPS characters with Xiao, Diluc, Hu Tao, and Ganyu

It's a youtube video with giant text in the thumbnail. They're always bullshit. They profit from shock and controversy.

As a Florida Republican, this most definitely improves his re-election chances. 

What the hell is wrong with you? To wage war on such a benign insect is just ridiculous. It’s once every 17 years FFS. Enjoy the wonder of what is a harmless emergence of an insect vital to the food chain!

I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.

I love foley so so much

Not really. Supplement, maybe. But the last four years was really just both at once.

Sometimes divorce is the right answer.

The Cracker Basement-Dweller Red Book?

Actually, there’s also an element of good fortune that none of the falling debris pieces killed anyone on the ground or (seemingly) damaged anything significant.

Amazon should take notes. The best way to insert a 24/7 surveillance device into a home is to make it totes adorbz!

If he had just Googled it...

Then the helicopters are used to transport babies between pizza parlors and distributing their precocious youth generating blood. 

As a godless lefty who is getting pretty tired of this religion shit I have but one sentiment to express:

Occams Razor: Insurrectionists claimed insurreciton was false flag, so try some false flag themselves.

Wow, if Russians think those series are violent I can’t wait for them to learn about their President.

It literally takes less than a minute to clean.