
Roger Miller's story is why I always overtip for delivery. I get pizza so hot I can't even eat it yet, and the Indian place sends a free dessert every time. Mmmm mango mousse. I don't get why anyone would be shitty to the person who is saving me from having to cook and wash dishes.

Well you weren't gray for a bit there.


That isn't entirely accurate. In formal writing, the characters are in vertical lines top to bottom, then the lines progress right to left. In informal writing it has the same orientation as English, horizontal lines left to right, then progressing top to bottom. The reason formal writing works that way is because

What you would see is just a bunch of bright-blurry-shaky-lines. I guess you'd become blind in 10 seconds

Note from a Gizmodo editor: No.

Oh god, I was at a restaurant for a friends birthday, when I accidentally took out a kid. I was just walking towards my table when I heard a scream, and realised I had just walked through a six year old, essentially punting him onto his face. I was mortified, I helped the kid up and apologised, and didn't think too

My bad, read it wrong and now I see your humor. I chuckled actually.

Sliders aren't crunchy, he'll be fine. :-)

Waifu technology is advancing every day!

the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera at the end of the rover's robotic arm.

Men online pissed off at being beaten by a woman, now there's a shocker.

That is what I figured. It isn't that the Chinese aren't trying, it is just that it is simpler for them to buy some of their tech from the Russians so that they can focus on the bigger picture.

Fair enough. The pic did show the evolution of existing suits and I just thought it would have been interesting to include the Chinese to show when they started flying.

We didn't break the Unity embargo. My review ran when the embargo was up, which was the soonest I was able to even run a review that I was happy with.

I'm really glad I like my parents.

So does this mean our passive SETI searches are pretty much restricted looking for a civilization that has an active SE[adjective form of name of home planet]I?

Prescriptivists: never not on the wrong side of history.