
LOL.  aKctUaLlY pHoTosHOpped kid right here.  Internet commenters in a nutshell right there.  Doesn’t know how floating docks work.  

This.  I’m still not proud of what I had to pay to get the KFC wings in Genshin.

You are demonstrably incorrect and dumb.  Thanks for playing, try again next time.  

It’s not fair though. The matchmaking is not skill based. The match making is based on how your previous games’ performances were so they can manipulate you into playing longer.

One of the things I’ve noticed in having data security and privacy discussions with my nieces (late teens) is that they basically don’t care. They’ve grown up in the data-collection-and-exposure environment their entire life. They actually find some of our expectations around privacy kind of strange.

It’s probably also useful if anyone wants to cite that 21w4d delivery, ‘babies’ that premature require EXTENSIVE medical assistance to stay alive. Their skin is so sensitive, air currents can tear it. They are at perpetual mortal peril of an infection in one of the many tears they will experience during their care, wit

“Play the way I want you to so you can enable my fun, I don’t care about yours.”

Problem is that “Incognito Mode” was never meant to be a privacy feature and that only came about from asshole marketer C-suite fuckholes that basically did this to themselves.

When I saw Waterworld as a kid, I loved it. I was a complete sci-fi fan, and I loved everything about the setting. I remember watching it a few times and always getting excited.

The character specific quests are ancillary to the Archon quests, but they’re still part of the main route — Archon quest steps will be gate locked by pending character specific quests until they are completed since they are representative of the main story sequence. “Main story” but not “Main Story Quest” sort of

Wait... so the guy that wrote the original character can’t write some additional development for that same character in a sequel to the series?

Now playing

That’s not actually how it works. Neural Networks basically multi-layered processing ‘networks’ of processing modules. These modules are where the ‘programming’ happens, but it’s not explicit, like “if x then y or if a and b but not c then z” type stuff. The individual modules just do things like calculating the

Now playing

The lore wasn’t a ret con though. Bridget was a twin in a situation where twins was considered bad mojo, so their parents raised Bridget as a girl. In earlier GGs, this was a point of issue for them, but if you watch even just the arcade arc for Bridget in Strive, you can see this develop in real time.

Summary: This commenter thinks women just blow up about all the weirdest things and complains about how we’re living in a time where a guy can’t do anything without being accused of sexual harassment and that the whole “respect women” thing is overblown.

By and large, my ongoing recommendation for all my friends, family, and coworkers has been if you need a printer at home just for documents, a black and white laser printer from any of the major producer’s “prosumer” lines are great.

No but also a little yes, on the miunderstanding what’s stored in the NFT. Article author either misunderstands or understands that is technically incorrect but wrote it anyway because outrage sells ads.

Such discriminatory journalism.  What about the dogs being harmed by this game?

Yep. L2 is further out than the moon so a manned mission to the Webb telescope would be the furthest humans have ever travel from Earth to-date if such a mission was performed.

The problem with that is NAPO. The police union is a mafia that is responsible for most of the problems with policing in this country. They prevent officers from being disciplined, when an officer is disciplined the prevent any other potential employers from seeing those records, and they will undoubtly do what ever

It’s even worse than that.