
Eye height.... or higher.

And the community continues to provide that the “There is no such thing as good-willed Hacktivism” theory holds up under testing.

> Full FDA approval means a vaccine is safe. Covid vaccines do not have full FDA approval.

You’d expect to receive sexual innuendo laced remarks about being penetrated if you as a 50+ man wore a shirt that said “Penetration Tester” at a computer security conference, where penetration testing is a standard business practice?

Snowflake much?

That’s always been my opinion. I really don’t think these ‘crosshair cheats’ should be considered unfair, regardless of whether they’re built into the monitor, a piece of clear tape with a sharpie dot, or other method created to make a click-bait video.

True.  But at least now maybe he’ll get 15 minutes to himself without being intentionally interrupted by his parents.  You spend all day taking care of your elderly parents, and then they won’t even give you 20 minutes private time at night?  He might actually enjoy jail.

Each one of those ASIC units would have been pulling something between 1500~2000watts. That’s 1.5megawatts an hour, 24/7. Best case scenario.

It’s actually fairly common with these irritant type chemicals. Essentially the irritant triggers the immune system to begin releasing histamine in response to what it sees as a dangerous foreign body.

My counter point to this opinion has always been that the medium these people use for their entertainment, hobby, or work pursuits is not the problem.

Got curious about that 2500 watt figure so I looked up miners on Bitmain. They have a new Antminer coming out, the S19J. 3100 Watts wall-power at 25'c. Disgusting.

Long history of honoring losers. Just look at all the Confederacy shit southerners are hanging on to. You know there’s gotta be an actual group of people in the North East that think they’d be better off if the USA was still a part of the UK.

A second season has been confirmed for 2022.  Also, if you haven’t seen it, check out the movie.  The movie is a direct continuation of the story and second season will pick up where it left off.

The best part about it is that they actually nerfed the maneuverability of the trucks a way back. It used to be even worse.

I literally choked on my plant based beer when I hear that. I still can’t stop laughing everytime I remember his dumb face saying that extremely dumb thing.

Animal lover in me agrees. At the surface, the fling feels bad.

I’m seeing a business opportunity.  Take out food counter called “The Dime Bag”, all condiments provided in little ziplock baggies.

Whoever made that video is full of shit. Klee is the bomb.

No, In-Birth was the original, no translation issue. They might have at some initial point meant it to be Inverse, but this is French Bread we’re talking about. At this point you have to assume they’re doing it on purpose.

I always get upset at comparisons between Nazis and Trump Republicans.