
You have to factor in the basic standard level of American Asshole-ism where doing anything that could have a benefit for anyone but yourself means you’re giving up your freedom and the commies win, so basic social contract constructs like a round-about are fairly untenable for your average everyday American.

There is nothing worse than a rabid fanbase.

This is the same reason I stopped doing any technical support for friends, family, or associates.  They give you crap for not “helping out real quick,” but it’s way less crap than the lifetime of being blamed for every other technical problem they have for the next 15 years.

I am 100% on board with this. I’ve been complaining about this trend for years now. I want to play a game. If I wanted to hang out, I’d be playing VRChat or going to a real bar.

The nomenclature comes from the original days of Zombies where the Zombies mode was initially designed as an endless-wave horde game where 1-4 players faced increasingly difficult waves of CPU controlled monsters.

“Burn it all down and start fresh.”

Putin obviously is concerned that this will inspire young killers to start too early. It’s easier to teach them good murder habits than unteach bad murder habits after all.  Best to make sure they wait for proper training.

Same as the other responder, a lot of the vendors we use for storage products at my workplace have really old management interfaces designed in flash and they didn’t see any profit in being proactive about redesigning their managements interfaces in HTML5 or something else more modern, so they left it to the end.

Just stopping by this old comment with a star and a mild nostalgia for 2018 from the year 2020.

I view conservative complaints about their political opponents and opposition movements as internal projection.

They’ve been flirting with connectivity between TLOU and Uncharted for a while. There was even a newspaper in Uncharted 3 with the headline “Scientists are still struggling to understand deadly fungus.”

West Taiwan outrage culture strikes again. Everyone needs to stop giving the CCP and its brainwashed yes-babies a free-pass in pushing their agenda world-wide. They’re so hung up on regaining that golden-age perception of Chinese Civilization.

Why are corruplicans so intent on regulating businesses? I thought they wanted to protect business and let them do their own thing without government interference.

This is why I’ve always hated the Call of Duty single player campaigns; they are unabashed war-porn stories in which there is always a Good Guy(tm) side and a Bad Guy(tm) side. They provide nothing more than a boring narrative of holy warriors against the evil darkness set to mechanics designed for and better

I think that inclination comes from the fact that this is basically a super-sampled hi-res image that is downscaled. As noted, this is actually a composite created using 59 images taken by the MAHLI camera, which itself was designed specifically to take high quality pictures (as opposed to the down-res navigation

Now playing

Thanks to this article, I investigated the style guidelines for using Actor for men and women, and was surprised to find my original opinion changed. Thanks.

I think the true danger about Trump vs. your average liar politician is that Trump is both an idiot and a liar. Where a normal politician knows better and lies for his own benefit, Trump is too stupid to understand anything and lies to try and cover up his stupidity.

* Citation needed

This explains why I’m having so much difficulty registering my new user name everywhere.