
... Wow, trolled by the repost from 2016. Ooops.

... Wow, trolled by the repost from 2016. Ooops.

What happened, you say? He probably found himself thinking “Dear god, I’ve spent 32 days of my life playing this game, I have to prevent others from falling into this massive time sink like me!”

I think the most awe inspiring part of that crash is how ever ground impact that car makes is to a crush zone. As nasty as it looks, that’s like one of the luckiest crashes I’ve ever seen.

Back when ME3 came out, I remembered a lot of hate towards the fact that it had a multiplayer and (as many claimed) was required to get a ‘good’ ending. I ignored it while I played through the campaign, and half way through I thought I’d give the Multiplayer a shot.

Sushi is *literally* vinegar seasoned rice.

I’m going to be concentrating on Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 / 魔女と百騎兵2 this weekend. I loved the first one and was excited for this one, but releasing the same day as NieR Automata sealed its fate as a save for later title.

No, I was literally saying I understand your opinion. I don’t share it, but I don’t have too. Sorry if you were going for a more combative response pool.

That’s a perfectly fine opinion. I know I can’t help but giggle when I hear taking football seriously. Such a joke, heh.

As a Taco owner and lover, this image makes me very sad. That’s what that kid’s ass is going to look like after they get done with him in real boy prison.

That’s actually from the freeze frame effect. The source that was used was interlaced so when they froze the frame, you’re looking at a half-fill.

They do not like the name Typhoon because, as the OP noted:

I imagine it’s something like how us burgers refer to the A-10 as the Warthog. Technically it’s the A-10 Thunderbolt II but nobody calls it that.

The name “Typhoon” is for export versions of the craft. Domestically produced versions are called Eurofighter (Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy).

That was my favorite House story, how Shore was so insistent that he specifically DIDN’T want a British guy playing House, and he ended up picking Laurie. Hah.

I just figured some rando named CAUGHTINAMOSH would never be stupid enough to try to make fun of my name, of all things.

It’s nice to know someone else feels the same as I do about Smash. Heh.

It never fails. Seeing anything taking Smash serious never fails to make me chuckle a little.

Quick tip: Sushi is vinegar seasoned rice. You could have sushi(rice) in a bowl, in a roll, on the floor, or on a door.

Yeah I hate it when people use an effective combination of skill and characters to win. It’s like they think the entire point is to win or something.

You know, the sad thing is that as lack-luster as Knack was, I get the same kind of feeling about it. I wouldn’t buy it again if I had to, but I’m glad I played it nevertheless.