
It’s hard to tell what I like more about that one. The lady’s total non-reaction or the dude’s total how-the-f-did-you-not-care glance.

Eshima Ohashi. It’s a bridge linking an island part of Matsue to Sakaiminato in Shimane prefecture. 6.1% and 5.1% grades on each side respectively.

I know right? When can we get back to the montage of awesome explosions and pedestrian murder sprees from Grand Theft Auto and away from this sick murder crap.

Trash gamers jumping on the negativity band-wagon. This is simply one stop on the road of CoD hating that gaming culture has been traveling for years and years now.

Since the deployment is happening at ISS altitudes, there are no satellites at risk. LEO is not populated by satellites because atmospheric drag is still prevalent at that altitude and the swatch of the globe that is visible is fairly limited.

True. I think that was the difference, in that Muramasa was really just a remaster with a better/different translation, while they really retooled the whole game for Odin Sphere.

Honestly, it is an absolutely gorgeous experience on big screen and little. I imported the JP version on both PS4 and Vita, and did an 80/20 split PS4/Vita.

It may help your decision to know that the cats on Tashirojima are largely in extremely poor health, while the rabbit island is a defunct chemical warfare agent production facility and the rabbits are descendants of former test subjects left to run wild when the facility was abandoned.

Without an intentional design intent of maximizing the EMP effect of the weapon, a nuclear explosion’s pulse is largely limited to the blast radius itself. This is because the EMP effect would be attributable to gamma radiation, which would diffuse rapidly in the thick atmosphere. Heat, shockwave, and radiation

960GB SSD for under $200 sounds like a data loss sob-story waiting to happen. Either that or it’s got IOPS that make the pitch-drop experiment seem fast paced.

960GB SSD for under $200 sounds like a data loss sob-story waiting to happen. Either that or it’s got IOPS that make

Yeah, changed my name because I was already corrected a while ago, but people seem to not notice the reply number (thanks kinja) and I couldn’t edit the post anymore, so I thought that’d help people realize they didn’t need to keep the constant reminder of my inability to recognize aircraft coming.


Anything anyone tells you about in the context of discussing a commercial product is advertising. Ethics and advertising are incompatible.

> “ethics in video game journalism”

And the replies keep coming. Thanks but I was corrected on quite a few replies already. I have a feeling I’ll be fielding corrections on this one for months. Two years later and I’ll still get replies.

Thanks for the tip. It’s always nice to find out stuff you didn’t know.

Thanks for the tip!

My brother was driving up to Bellevue with me a few months back, helping me move, and while we were passing by JBLM/McCord Field two C-5's were flying over I-5.

That Haruko Obokata burn is vicious and legendary. Wow.

Yeah, the parkour angle has become the popular choice for modern FPSs to introduce verticality into the game without making overly complex multi-level maps.