
The issue isn’t using a photo of the train, the issue is that they copied someone ELSE’s photo to do that.

I love everything about it and desire this game like nothing else, but I still do not find little girls saying they want to become someone’s wife cute. Seriously wet blanket end to that video.

> Blazblue CP EX
> Disgaea 5 (didn’t get to it last month)
> Neptunia V II

“What’d you get?”

Bloody hell I hope that phrase never coagulates.

One of (the many) reasons I prefer Go. Computers still can’t compete against professionals.

> The driver in this video stops suddenly and with no obvious reasoning.

Adding to the list, in Eugene, Oregon we had a Borders across from a PF Changs in true strip mall fashion for a while as well.

No, don't show the reddittor a mirror, they can't handle the truth, that's why they hide behind reddit. Best case he ignores you and lives in denial, but worst case you destroy his mind by causing him to reckon with his own depravity.

And thus I will from here on out refer to them as the UFO-citing states and the Jesus-toast states. Very excellent.

The eliminated reports were found to be the result of deliberate hoaxes. They wanted to only use spontaneous reporter events not directly tied to an intentional attempt to create UFO reports.

Much like with the Souls game, the “story” is largely an incidental aspect that you actively have to seek out and put together on your own. And to that end, many of the story components you do come across are cryptic and require a good amount of speculation to really turn into a solid story line.

That’s the spot in Forgotten Woods after you’ve gone through that house, walked around the edge and turned the corner again, as you’re approaching the Witch of Hemwick’s place. The tower up ahead is the stairs down, and then outside you’ve got those 2 axe wielding brutes.


I think that ultimately that was kind of the point. The entire thing is poking fun at the outlandish and/or disproven ideas about dinosaurs.

Nope, GGXrd doesn't have a backwards support driver.

Alternate approach would be to have a modder refit your current stick using something like a Hori FC4 PCB, or do it yourself if you fancy yourself at all fit with a soldering iron.

I would start playing this game just to play as this absurd purple Easter Island statue with a sonic screw driver.

Yeah, it's Gizmodo. Chris found this picture and the information about it and was like "Wow! Space is rad!"

As ridiculous as it sounds, I can sympathize with credit-card lady. When I was 13 and we got our first computer, a nice and shiny PC running a 386SX (20Mhz I believe, but it's been a while). CDs were pretty new at the time, and an associate of my mothers who was proclaimed as a "computer guy" kept telling me that