
Honestly the books kind of drag out after that arc. Like Nomadic notes, the novels sold well enough, but Madhouse probably feels maxed out after a 2cour on that series.

As an American it was really hard for me when I was over there. I found myself using my 1000円 bills over the coins until I was just loaded down with tons of 100円 and 500円 coins. My friend gave me huge amounts of crap at one store when I used a 1000円 bill for a 389円 purchase. She was like, "I *know* you've got a 500

Gravity aside, I think the best way to answer your question is to establish a definition of "falling".

The rage inspired by all the people in my Crucible group when I got one as a post-match reward will go down as the best jimmy rustling session I've ever been a party to.

Seriously, $280 for a 1gal starter kit? Just insane.

How do you get burns from brewing beer? Did he grab the wort pot while it was hot?

Sci-fi looking or not, that's about the only scenario in which you'd ever get me to stand anywhere close to hydrazine of any variant.

I have to work tomorrow.... My weekend! Give it back!

There really are a lot of strip clubs here.

Anime: Your Lie in April Song: “Hikaru Nara” Artist: Goose House Why Do I Love It? This opening not only has the brightest, most colorful animation of any this season, it also sports an excellent song. It's rare enough to have both male and female vocalists prominent in the same group, but even more rare are mixed

So ready for GGXrd. Did the digital preorder/preload and I've been staring at the countdown timer on my PS4 all day. 13h45m to go!

Get in the robot, Shinji!

I kept seeing warnings about not staying too long in Hinterlands, so after hitting around level 7 I moved on.

Now playing

While that was a hoax, birds of prey really are pretty freaky.

I definitely noticed in ME that the FemShep had some pretty "male-esque" poses but I'm not sure I agree with Kirk's estimation that they are just using the same animations as the male character. Could be...

By the way, you will notice that the can has two percentages on it: 9% ABV and 2.5%... something else. What is it? What is the other 2.5%? Is it cyanide? Cancer dye? Uranium? I gotta know.


Physical. Sony does not release digital purchase information to the sales trackers so any time you see one of these sales charts from Japan, it's physical copy only sales.