
The marketing people are just blowing conspiracy theory smoke unfortunately.

No More 映画泥棒!

Ryu no Gotoku? More like "You? No. Goto Japan".

Definitely agree. I'm working on a small circuit I can use to flick the voltage on a DS3's analog sticks just by pushing a button so I can replace the the analog sticks with just two more buttons for star notes.

The reason why you prefer the Vita is because the Vita has almost no input lag due to the calibration of the display and control scheme. The buttons and D-pad are also both really nice as far as the control scheme goes.

Now playing

Not sure where you're getting the anime vibe from...

The gameplay is actually an action hack-and-slash. It's not really RPG at all.

The game itself is basic but fun; hack and slash, only really getting rough towards the end. This game suffers from some pretty serious framerate issues during some crucial game moments too so that can be annoying.

Now playing

Future Crew! Oh man, takes me back. The good old days of hunting down mod and other tracker type files, and the tech demos. I loved the demo scene so much, that's what inspired me to get into programming.

I find it interesting that Madden is using an unsigned 1-byte integer for score tracking. Obviously no one would expect a normal football game to have anyone scoring above 255, but seriously, just declare a word, this isn't 1984 and you're not going to run out of memory switch TWO variables from taking up 1 byte to 4

This is one of the debates that happening in Astrophysics right now, but it is definitely not a game changer for the overall, general (well-informed and scientifically educated) public regarding black holes. The details of the debate are deep physics and only question the concept of the event horizon.

Nope. Under System, Operate PS4 with Voice is enabled by default.

You've never been intentionally trolled by somebody before.

I'm waiting for the Playstation version.

He's leaving out the part where he's harrassing them, being annoying, or otherwise distinguishing himself in ways to force people to say his name in order to direct their rage/complaints/etc.

Sounds great, thanks for the response.

My twitch is but due to FedEx and work I'm not sure when I'll get my copy and start streaming so I dunno when I'll be live.

I have the JPN version coming early next week, planning to stream out the first two, three hours of game play.

I'm curious about your opinions regarding the long-term wearing comfort level (and any other headsets you might have for comparison) for those.