
Imagining is performed using an electron scanning microscope or something along those lines. Works by bouncing a stream of electrons similar to sonar.

"You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me."

I love the smell of ammonia-percolate composite propellant in the morning!

I broke down and got a PS3 (hadn't had a console for a couple of years) specifically to play Heavenly Sword.

Thing about Japanese is that there is no l or r like in English. The sound that we romanize as "r" is actually an alveolar flap: [ɾ]

I was pretty turned off by the concept at first too, and obviously there are some Waterworld parallels but after watching the first two episodes it seems like the most promising series this season.

As other responders have noted, your correct in your guess that our discovery methods make it easier to detect planets that orbit closer to their stars.

To clarify, that is exactly what is going on — dry mic signal.

I love my Vita a lot, but every time I hear about the 3DS StreetPass feature I kind of wonder what Near is really supposed to be about.

I'm not really certain how he's generating his time statement either and can't really comment on it because it's not clear if we're talking about the absolute fastest Point A to Point B without concern for proper orbital insertion and/or return trajectory or if he's shooting for an absolutely proper, valid,

They actually 'spoiled' their own game for me by giving me the quote at the beginning of the game.

In all likelihood, based on the similarities of ships shown in the trailer, this game is based in the same story-space and probably has direct tie-ins to the previous games. Ideas aside, this is not probably not a brand-new-built-fresh scenario, but one that pulls from their previous content.

Yeah basically just listen to any Team Stickbug streams and you'll get an idea what their talking about.

Funny you should mention the cardboard box. I was doing some wiring work yesterday to see if I could convert a dualshock into a fightstick and all I had to put it in was a shoebox...

Honestly this might be a new policy change for the ISS since that's a video from Hadfield's current stint in the ISS, where as Don and the previously mentioned photo are precedents.

They can eat bread too.

Exactly. After seeing Vampy's Litchi I now actually imagine her every time I see or think of Litchi in the game.

The whole video I'm just thinking "get your stupid phone out of the way, that's a sick keyboard!"

No one will ever beat Vampy's Litchi cosplay. ちちの人大好きにゃす!

You can use any zipcode. 108-0075 is Sony's corp headquarters.