
Truth. I wear a pair of Audio Technica ADH-700s at work. I am given endless amounts of grief. At least during the small periods of time that I actually remove them.

The laptop would have been packed, so shock isn't really a concern. I'm revisiting this thread though since I found a picture Don posted of him using the laptop. He's actually using it as a light-source for an ice-sheet experiement, but you can kind of see it here.

Yes, the rats are being intentionally paralyzed as part of the study.

No, really is just a basic off the shelf laptop for personal use. But don't let me stop you from dreaming big.

It's a personal laptop, most likely a standard 500-700$ range generic prefab. I forgot who it was for, I think Don, but it's just a personal laptop, not an ISS systems piece or anything special like that.

Some of us get to see this information due to various connections, and so yes, while it is cool that this went into space, the cool that Greg is mentioning refers to that manifest being made public.

Since there is limited weathering on Mars, the dust particulate is likely to be sharp/jagged edged, unlike the softer, worn and rounded dust/sand on Earth.

"Hipster" is the word that hipsters use to describe things that you think are stupid or passe. It's a post-hipster world where all the hipsters are now hipster haters.

Jayne: Six men came to kill me one time. And the best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun.

Sidequests don't have an effect on your readiness, only multiplayer. All of the endings are essentially the same, with some very very small changes. Increasing your readiness to a high level will enable you to select a 3rd option.

Comparing the results of a single study that finds an association between vegetarianism and self-righteousness and a lack of altruism to the decades of research showing that DDT is poisonous, a carcinogen, along with a number of other detrimental health effects, I still think I'll take a little meat allergy over DDT

Because I'd rather turn vegetarian than suffer from DDT poisoning.

Korea is actually a pretty conservative (and highly Christian) society. I believe that the it would have probably got the "18" rating based solely on the Satan aspect alone.

This is probably one of those East Coast / West Coast things where East Coasters are all like "Yeah, East Coast is the best coast!" and West Coasters are like "... ? It's a competition?"

I failed his level 3 cert the minute I saw a loose animal in the range and that didn't trigger a test abort with live pyrotechnics.

"That visualization is as pretty to me as 100 kids covering the whole spectrum of races playing together on a (suburban) playground."

He saw the duck lips and underboob and knew that Waldo had more going on than those two attention hounds.


Diablo doesn't have a monthly fee.