Saw this yesterday and was delighted! I had no idea this guy existed, and it turns out he’s full of wonderful trivia like this! I write a lot of fanfiction for a medieval fantasy series (you can probably guess which one if you know my username) and now I’m going to be devouring his videos so I can be a more accurate…
I will always use any excuse to post this.
This looks terrible and everyone should be ashamed.
McIntosh looks...exactly like I’d expect from the son of a politician who supported Trump. Unnatural stance, creepy pose, and waaaaay older than his age.
I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.
...the shrieking carbuncle in a red power tie that is—yes—still running for president ...
You mock but that’s how me and my wife met. We were both at a Podiatry convention in St. Kitts and, after my customary 75 backstroke laps to start my day, I got out of the pool and grabbed my commemorative Batman Forever beach towel only for our hands to meet as she reached for the same one. We laughed over the…
Harper Lee? Totally low energy. Complete loser. When was the last time she wrote a book? Have you seen the books I wrote. They have the best words in them. Not like her words. Did you hear that Atticus is racist? The blacks love me. Buy Trump Steaks.
Don’t eat 60 grams.
I feel like it’s really unfair that these girls (who are mostly aged 18-20, remember) are forced to silence their entire social media presence for a harmless video that probably pretty accurately depicts their reality. I watched it, I wasn’t offended. If this is what their members look like, and this is what their…
Seriously? Who gives a f*ck. Who, exactly, is victimizing these girls? THEY are making the video themselves. THEY decide to join the sorority. Nobody forces them to do any of this. If they like being in a sorority, why should anyone care. If they made the same exact video frolicking and looking pretty while promoting…
The fuck is even wrong with them doing that?
While this video encapsulates so many things that are wrong with society right now, I actually find the backlash towards this video to be the most hypocritical thing about this whole news story. We create a society that elevates whiteness and commodifies female sexuality and then we have the gall to criticize our…
I really don’t see the big deal. They made a video that reflected what the sorority was made up of and yes it happens to be blonde white girls. Just like a video made by the football team would be mostly black guys and a video made by the crew team would be mostly white guys, its not necessarily “racism” when there’s…
Um, this is exactly what I would expect from Alpha Phi at University of Alabama. I mean, I don’t think you can get more basic than that.