@nautilus.: Yes. But only as 1 continuous movie. then you'd have to chop it more in desktop iMovie or Final Cut or Whatever..
@nautilus.: Yes. But only as 1 continuous movie. then you'd have to chop it more in desktop iMovie or Final Cut or Whatever..
@Hizzle1138: Na... you're thinking of the gyroscope in terms of the one pictured. Fragile. But it's the same kind they use in Wii controllers and Gyration/Logitech mouses. I've dropped all of those countless times and they still work.
I see the gyroscope having a bigger impact in turning the phone into an external pointing device... a la Gyration. My studio switched to Gyration mouses about a year ago, and productivity sky rocketed.
Gotta say it, Android on a device this big looks like dog feces. Needs a custom skin or something. Otherwise it's like moving from Lego's to Duplo... corny.
There is nothing on earth more ridiculous than watching people play the river rafting game. Think... special olympics, with shock collars on the contestants. I cannot imagine this thing being useful for anything other than boxing games. Maybe hand ball.
@cybo1470: Android, to me, is crap. As if it gained it's open nature by trading away any semblance of UI elegance. Iphone is aiiiiight, I own one, but WebOS is, by far, the sexiest of the 3... The thought of it on JooJoo screen real estate makes the nerd in me sport wood...
Can a propellor head please answer me a question... Why can WebOS not be modded to run on this thing? Because it isn't ARM? What gives?
At what point does it stop being a phone? I mean, in less than an inch, you've got a Streak.
@Dean Tambling: simple and drab are 2 totally different things. Especially where UI is concerned. I, for one, welcome our minimalistic, zen japanese design overlords.
Source = Reddit
Not even a little bit.
AdMob commenting on whats best for users is like BP commenting on the best way to clean up the oil spill.
Creative little edit there right around the Network fail... But watching it, your claim to have "showed it inside and out" was a little thin. It also made your bitter tinge in every post today seem a little childish...
@NinjaTaco: your soul.
iMovie looks kick ass...
AHAHAHAHHAHA... Giz is so bitter they didn't get invited... Seriously, you guys are acting like you're 8 years old. Get over it.
This at the left hand. Intuos 4 on the right. Keyboard in the middle. Done.