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Finally catching up. One point of contention I have are with the self-satisfied white people: none will get that even if their ancestors didn’t personally own slaves they benefited from the system. The ultra-worried co-worker relieved to be Jewish? The fun dynamics of the selectivity of whiteness in America as noted

Wish they went the Chris Smalls route - ‘cool, but maybe keep your asses in D.C. trying to do the jobs you were elected to do: we got this.’ 

Have to say it: there are 18-34 year olds that aren’t neatly in the progressive camp. Some are pretty damn centrist if not flagrantly right wing but smart enough to keep their traps shut. Many are NIMBY as hell and are part of the type of ‘progress’ that neuters their non-white, non-binary counterparts. Some don’t

Your last bit on Warren, AOC, Sanders, and all the other progressive leaders: nary a finger pointed their way. They are in Congress, that is the body that drafts legislation and holds the purse strings. They have (and in Sanders’ case have long had) the capacity to be there for years to get things right. They are part

Or, here’s an idea: Encourage full, loud, and eerily consistent participation in local and state government, from the county clerk offices to the governorships. It’s easy as hell to point to the top, but how many can name who their state rep is? How many can point out their state senator in a line up? Who can name a

Bad things would neeeeeeever happen to them and theirs, obvs. And if they do well: friend of a friend can buy a ticket to <insert less stupid place>.

No Shit.

Too many of us are a few extra zeros in our bank account away from this. 

To be fair if you got that tweet about your shit how would you have responded? 

End student loan debt is on the list for several people. Where on the list, though... it’s not on the same rank for people. Yes, there are many where the placement is high - it stunts the ability to get on with other adulting markers, it’s not something easily written off (if you make too much money according to the

Why not both? Both are broken - checks and balances were hobbled to hell due to the outsized influence of partisan politics. The days of R, D, I, whichever mattering being left at the door upon entry are screwed. 

Everyone wants to be POTUS, no one wants to be Schoolboard member or county clerk or state rep

Through his teen years and rise of his career Noah’s mother was being victimized by his stepfather with all the “well what were YOU doing” that takes place in those situations. Penultimate incident involved her getting shot in the head, luckily she survived it. The last part of the 10 minute segment was him explaining

I hope Democrats, especially centrist ones, take this to heart. For too long, the Democratic response to any injustice has been “VOTE!”, as though they were totally incapable of action until they had a supermajority in every level of government. Well, we can see how well that is working out. I’m hoping that

By your logic Philando Castille would either be serving lunches or his killer sufficiently punished. But no. So maybe consider swaths of people with a history of criminalized or dead by dumb shit.

Given our numbers in local and state races where gerrymandering kicks us all as well as the dumbing down of civic education I am not entirely sure threatening to withhold votes at the federal level is where it’s at for anyone looking for a change. They learned nothing from the 1980s: things need to trickle up, not

When the fuck did 50 senators with a tie-breaking VP become a super-majority? 

Or not vote at all because the alternative isn’t doing everything exactly like they would want them to do things (because heaven forbid they run them damn selves) 

The brisket? The freedom to fly out to places that provide abortions and other ‘heretical to Texas’ services if you’re rich enough? The blue bubbles that tsk at the sea of red but keep shored up tightly?