
The crazy part is you coming here only to complain endlessly about everything that gets posted, as if it’s your fucking job.

How could you not like that trailer?! Iman Vellani is hilarious with Brie Larson and Samuel Jackson as as her straight men and you’ve got a whole staircase full of man-eating kitties! Take my money, please. Frell the trolls.

Fuck those clowns, that trailer looked FUN. This might be the Marvel movie I’m most hyped for this year.

Wrong. The problem is not Jezebel. The problem is youtube. Youtube is promoting misogynistic content and allowing it to run on their site.

She is guilty, just of the much less impactful or malignant crime of being a diva asshole to screenwriters.

According to NY Daily News Majors was first to contact 911?

His best case scenario is that it blows over quickly and he’s cleared of all charges. In that event, he is very likely to be able to allow his career to at least continue. you know what Stockholme Syndrome is? Sounds like you don't at all. 

The guy who’s already had to do a homophobia apology tour, an antisemitism apology tour, and has a bunch of rumours swirling about him stealthing (aka sexually assaulting) women? Sure, I guess they could double whatever steroid routing Jonathan Majors was on and get Stanfield bulked up.

You forgot what is possibly the cattiest part of this. The Net’s owner refused to trade Kyrie to his preferred team (the Lakers).

*leans in real close*

You start with a zero - at least you do when you immigrate to the US. You have to play games like get a sears card and buy something and then pay it off in a few months or open a secured credit card account, then after a few months try and get a low limit / high interest card.

You think journalists can just go grab whatever picture they want off the internet? Lol.

the bootlicking gutter trash will still come out of the woodwork.

you understand that to do that would require them to acquire new licensing for a one off image which would likely need to go through a buying department and take multiple days...instead of just using the image library they already have a license for and getting the article out in a timely manner. Journalism requires

Literally the only one on Getty.

I worked in retail banking and bankruptcy for close to 30 years and saw this a lot. More with the payday loans but the whole rolling the old loan into a new one and people not understanding the actual interest rate and the affect of that on them. People tend so see the payment and fixate on that, I would tell people

I don’t think they’re dumb, it’s just that a lot of the folks who take these loans generally have bad credit or not many other options for borrowing money. Take that away without replacing it with something better, and you could have folks losing their houses and such over it.

thats hilarious, but honestly makes sense. The AI is looking for things shaped/moving like a human, a box does not look like a human lol.

You can’t hide in a box if it has heat seeking vision, which it’ll probably have.