
Thanks for the warning. I’m used to that from feminist writers of that era. Still looks like there is some good writing in there

I had never heard of this woman and am now obsessed with her wikipedia page and ordering some of her books. Thank you for posting this!

The Amazon app on our Samsung TV sucks. It’s the worst UI of any of the streaming services we use. We watch the Grand Tour through it, but I can certainly see why someone would download it.

God I hope so. I can afford a gym membership. Silicone is way above my paygrade

I was actually thinking all the hot babes had much more realistic/achievable bods than the girl groups when I was a kid. Not plastic-looking, just hard work

This is some serious searching for someone not an elected official. Bor-ing

This is such an odd part of the story to me. Not only is she conventionally attractive, which, okay, but they make it a point to say she is THE most beautiful girl in town.

People think I’m crazy for walking to the gym. It’s 20 minutes there, 20 minutes back, my warm-up and cool-down. I love working out at the gym though. My job is sitting and typing. Not only is it a change of environment (versus say working out at home where I am all the other time) but full of other people also

We have each other’s. Both of us have gotten snoopy a couple times during our relationship, neither of us give the other too much of a hard time about it. About once every year or two I get in this weird phase of insecurity and/or baseless suspicion and it feels good to do that. He is the same. I get why others

At least officially I was under the impression they didn’t do athletic scholarships. I’ve transcribed quite a few in-house Harvard things and they have touted that to themselves a lot

It’s from the Reddit Photoshop Battles of the picture. Should still be up there

You want them to use an actual functioning alcoholic and make sure she has alcohol in every picture? Confused by the problem here.

Now more than ever we truly need brick and mortar comic book stores and the people who work in them. My six year old is a newbie in the comic world after falling in love with Calvin and Hobbes and the latest The Batman animated series. I tried buying some things online and saw more cleavage and bondage and torture

Even though I’ve thought about these issues quite a bit already, watching the pilot of “Westworld” last night made me read this entire article with disdain. They reference it a couple times, but then it seems to jump straight past the notions the show presents. If we can make a sex robot pass a turing test is it a

As someone who cherished every brown and black character TV bothered to put in the casts of ‘90s television, f*ck you, Tim Burton. I was going to elaborate more, but I think I’m good

I agree this is badly done. It should have been mesh or clear with the tattoos, but at the same time how cool is it that the nude skin tone isn’t White for a non-White character? I’m all about normalizing darker ‘nude’ tones in fabric

I thought it was fairly funny. Are there better music subscription ads?

This looks like an interesting, funny, inventive comedy, but all I can really concentrate on is my growing girl crush of Jenny Slate.

I think I agree with your overarching point, but as the mom of a current toddler (and older child) I can tell you that is to foster independence, decision making, and vocabulary building. I don’t think it necessarily leads to rapists and 32 year olds who won’t leave home

Jezebel and Reddit agree on something and I’m on the other side. Damn. Anyway, I really liked the movie. I liked the original, but I doubt I would have ever sat through it again. This kept the message but added better budget and less stilted acting.