
Personally, I find this Kim K photo makes me the most uncomfortable:

Hahahahaha beat me to it.

Maybe not an occupation, but certainly a full-time job.


They’re just called bachelors. It’s a positive thing, whereas a spinster is sad and lonely.

Been there. Am there. My cat says hi.

Here’s a simple sentence that might help you out with that: “I’m interested in you, do you want to (insert action here, be it kiss, make out, have sex, whatever)?”

I think what bothers me most is my experience with the (large majority) of guy friends I’ve had. We could be friends for many years, no signs of romantic interest on my part, even when I’ve been in a relationship with somebody else that they not only know about, but know my boyfriend personally. It feels like it

I learned a very long time ago that even just talking to a guy and smiling is enough for them to think you’d bone them. And then you don’t smile at them and they ask you to smile. Why? So you can mistake it for flirting? You guys and your boners ruin everything.

In the most general sense, it often doesn’t occur to them that women have value as anything other than a thing to be desired or fucked. That’s why it doesn’t occur to them that we experience and desire the full range of relationships. We are simply a thing to be fucked.

And this, right here, is why I’m not anything more than polite (unless it’s someone I’m interested in.) Guys take it the wrong way. Then again, they sometimes take politeness the wrong way, too. It’s like we can’t win.

Oh Tracy, what would we do without you posting controversial stuff on the weekends to keep us entertained? You’re a Jezebel treasure.
(I predict that this time it won’t be the regular Jezzies who get offended, but we will get an influx of possible MRAs and #notallmen’ers at some point, not to mention mansplainers.)

If it’s some sort of consolation, men are terrible at picking ANY cues. I’m a heterosexual guy. Once I got to pick my lesbian daughter from a LGBT nightclub. While I was waiting for her saying good bye to friends, a guy approached me and started to chit-chat. I thought not of it, and it was a pleasant talk. Then the

Someone we know is in a band. His sister-in-law hosted a performance of the band in their backyard one summer evening that we were invited to. The frontman is convinced that there is not a woman on the planet that can resist his Mighty Wang. I would rather be dragged buck naked over broken glass than spend any time

Just yesterday, I was at the corner store buying my standard migraine hangover cure: giant ass Coke Zero and some salt-and-vinegar potato chips. I had messed up hair, sunglasses deployed, ratty-ass clothes, and Kid Electron in tow, because it’s just not a migraine hangover without a three-year-old asking for Skittles

I’m glad I’m in a long term relationship because if not I think I’d just give up and become whatever the male version of a spinster is.

This never happens to me because I’m super honest from the beginning about my feelings towards dudes