They are kind of going for a BMW art car vibe. I think it looks nice. Their mistake really is just referencing all of those previous liveries instead of allowing this to be it’s own thing.
They are kind of going for a BMW art car vibe. I think it looks nice. Their mistake really is just referencing all of those previous liveries instead of allowing this to be it’s own thing.
It’s entirely possible that he was always an opportunist scumbag who said what he needed to get elected even though it wasn’t even passingly authentic. . . but I can’t help but wonder if what we are seeing now is the result of a cognitive shift post-stroke. Like, I guess it’s possible that he was some evil mastermind…
In one season with Alonso they had exactly the same number of points (109A vs. 109H). In their three seasons together, Button outscored him (662B vs. 632H). In four seasons vs. Rosberg he barely outscored him (996R vs. 1032H). Sure, he thrashed Kovalainen and Bottas, but these were both second-rate drivers. Button and…
I don’t think a single person in California thinks Gavin Newsom is a good guy. He’s merely a standard asshole politician as opposed to a maniacal asshole politician.
I think you might be confused; Will Smith is a podcaster and game developer, not an actor.
I’m guessing they replaced the standard suspension with Orbital Drop Shocks.
Boba Fett is so cool that he was able to choke out kids in the real world. That’s how far this bounty hunter’s reach goes.
I’m not a Pete Davidson fan, but I think it's pretty messed up to call someone who lost their dad at a young age on 9/11 "lucky in life."
This is California. He is simply stating that he has a gluten-free diet
I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.
Ok, so like whenever I see a car driving at night with their headlights off, I flash my high beams at them to hopefully get their attention and convince them to turn their lights on. Some idiots do not do this because they are afraid that the car driving with its headlights off is actually going through some kind of…
Why are you assuming there are no people on the boat?
Still p21 in a 20 driver championship.
Thinking about the circumstances that led to these abandoned cars is quite sad. Could be the owners traveled alone and died at their destination with no next of kin to be found.
What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.