
Yeah I know.

TitanFall reminds me of the Good ol days of Mech Warrior, I didn't care for the newest free to play one. I think this is going to be a pretty gnarly game and cannot wait to see what happens with it. I plan on getting a ps4 first(because of price) but this seems like a solid launch title.

I'll like to have hardcore sex with her if you know what I mean.

MAN! She is absolutely gorgeous and her transformation is stunning. I've been keeping up with Jon Wilks for a while not he does some gnarly work.

There is a feature you can use kinect on garry mods and play with it I use it all the time.

LOL Trust me I know I've been collect comics from both about 11 years. Both have aspect about them that are good as with anything it's personal opinion, as I got older I just felt marvel was kinda childish is some of their comics while alot of DC chracters are dark. ODD tho Punisher is my fav (anti) hero out of any

WOW you've been reading the wrong ones then, I would say DC is alot more"adult" then marvel(outside of a few heros in marvel). But I respect your opinion tho.

I played it for a while it's pretty good but don't have any friends to play with so I gave up. Plus I've been waiting for the punisher drop for a while..not dropping 10 bucks on em tho.

Whats wrong with DC comics ? Just curious and if you like fighting games then yes it's pretty damn good.

Hahah I laugh every time I see him.

Some people compared them to Hitler or they wanted Don mattick mother to get cancer when I was Reddit..crazy stuff it was blown out of proportion if you ask me. It's just a company I could careless about simple as that no need for name calling or anything. Never though they where evil.

Where do I put my money for this or support it or something! Really great feeling and glad to see this. Heart of gold that guy has.

hahahaha this made my fucking day.

Contra needs a Metal sound track,,,It's so macho.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH just stop llloom just fucking stop I'm in tears. You got anymore.

Pretty much.

Damn bro you need some pussy.

Gotta admit tho she has a pretty fine stiletto.

I could pick apart your whole paragraph to explain how and why on everything you posted. But I realize that would lead into a long string of arguments on this thread..about what? I don't know? It's late and I honestly don't care if or not what you think about anything you're a total stranger to me and I'm stupid
