I see what you mean but I mean those are just that Skill trees, a Class system would require a game to have presets for example morrowind or Dragon age.
Look up beyond bolderdome.
umm btw class system?
everything next too the engine can be changed. Also you come off as a smart ass not sure if you noticed that.
No problem mate, their is a shutter remover mod.
Never had those problems if you need help hit me up on steam, made a few mods. Steamtag: Big Boss(PMT)
Constructive criticism and complaining I'm fine with. But it's the name calling that mostly start the"wars". That is true I'm glad both consoles are on pretty much leveled playing ground now...Xbo has the better games from what I saw but PS1 had the better features. We shall see how this plays out,,I could give a fuck…
I spit up my drink when you said "burn my fucking nuts" lmfao...
People on the comments are talking about price? That's pretty petty some people actually can afford it and sense it's a few months away saving up shouldn't be a problem. Now it all comes down to taste if games...I'm going with sony for alot of reasons..but I'll get around to getting a Xbo.
Dude you should fucking relax? Lmfao.
Both of them seem pretty leveled, I plan on getting the PS4 tho. Xbox seems to have the wayy better exclusives tho in my opinion. From what I see Killzone just seems like another FPS, inFamaous looks really good but that alone would be boring.
Thanks as I told dlets I'll upload another pic with the mods I'm using.
Ok Ill upload another as well bigger and this is only half the hud I have a few Ill list em in the other pic.
Agreed engine is trash.
To this date I still don't get why most of you like to fight in console wars? Even tho you do like the other protect, what pisses you off with people who likes something different?
Remember Tomba?
The perks about being on PC is that I can mod the crap out of FNV and FO3 until I have fallout 4. Seems to be working.
Hmm looks like trash. Still doubt anything will top Batman beyond or the OG batman 1990s version. I've always wanted The Punisher and Batman to get their own HBO run on a animated season,sorta like spawn.
Sounds like alot of bro BS.